
Peer-to-peer book catalog, review, and recommendation

Primary LanguageJavaScript


The p2p Goodreads!


Fritter/Beaker/everything-P2P dev Tara Vancil started a thread here about what books people were using, and Joe Hand responded here with an idea to create a P2P Goodreads, so that's exactly what this is!

Bookshelf is an app for P2P web profiles to save, review, and recommend books. For now, it won't be a full-on social network with comments, replies, etc. - take a look at Fritter for that - but it'll fill a small void in the existing P2P app library.



The main entry point for the app. Globally accessible with app.

  • profile - Profile object referencing the current profile.


A single book. Property names from schema.org.

  • title - String, display title
  • author - String, display author
  • isbn - Number, ISBN
  • description - String, display summary
  • rating - Number, stars (out of 5) given to this book by the Profile
  • review - String, Profile-created review


Contains a list of books.

  • name - String, display name
  • books - Array, list of Book objects this Shelf contains,
  • ownerUrl - Link to Profile who owns this Shelf
  • url - String, URL for this Shelf


Contains all information for a given profile. Property names from schema.org.

  • name - String, display name
  • url - String, dat:// URL for this profile
  • shelfUrls - Array, list of Shelf URLs this Profile owns
  • followUrls - Array, list of Profile URLs this Profile follows

Build Setup

# install dependencies
npm install

# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev

# build for production with minification
npm run build

# build for production and view the bundle analyzer report
npm run build --report

For a detailed explanation on how things work, check out the guide and docs for vue-loader.