
How to create a choropleth map, assigning your data of interest based on geographical distribution.

Primary LanguagePython


In my previous article (https://towardsdatascience.com/green-like-ireland-choropleth-map-of-irish-wind-energy-26603106fe3e) I discussed Irish wind energy penetration within the electricity network . In that article, I reported figures representing the change in the number of wind turbines in each country over the past few years. In current code, I will go through the steps involved in creating your own choropleth map for visualizing any data of your choice! For illustration purposes, current code is for generating the figure I reported in my previous article. However, these steps apply to any data!

In this article (https://towardsdatascience.com/creating-choropleth-map-using-geopandas-irish-wind-energy-dataset-58dbeff913ed), I explained how generate a choropleth map. This map color codes the different Irish counties based on the wind turbine installed capacity. The number of wind turbines installed in each county is illustrated by dots where each dot is one wind turbine.