
This is starter of a Nest.js 10 application with Prisma ORM, PostgreSQL, Redis and GraphQL.

Technology stack

  • JWT Authentication
  • Prisma ORM
  • GraphQL
  • Apollo Driver for GraphQL
  • Docker Compose
  • PostgreSQL
  • Redis
  • Health Check

Providers implemented


  • Node.js >= 16
  • NPM
  • Nest.js 10
  • Docker
  • Docker Compose


Setup postgres Volume

  1. Create volume for PostgreSQL database
docker volume create --name postgres_data0 -d local


  1. Setup env files.

They should be lying in config folder, where you can find .env templates for them.

  1. Install dependencies
npm install
  1. Start DB containers
npm run db:up
  1. Generate Prisma Types
npm run db:generate
  1. Push PostgreSQL Schema
npm run db:push
  1. Start the application
npm run start:dev


For unit tests there's Jest module, that will look for *.spec.ts files.

To run tests just exec:

npm run test

Also, we can have set up E2E testing. With npm run db:up we already started a testing database, that will be used as a clean e2e environment. All e2e tests are located in tests/e2e folder, and should be specified in base.e2e-spec.ts as followed:

// base.e2e-spec.ts
describe('YourResolver (e2e)', yourTests.bind(null, ctx));

// tests/e2e/modules/yourModule/your.resolver.e2e.ts
import BaseContext from '@tests/e2e/context/base-context';

const yourTests = (ctx: BaseContext) => {
  // ...

To run them, use:

npm run test:e2e

Notice: When starting in E2E mode, testing db is always cleaned up before tests