
Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Book-Store Application built with Spring Cloud

[Build Status License

Starting services locally without Docker

Every microservice is a Spring Boot application and can be started locally using IDE (Lombok plugin has to be set up) or ../mvnw spring-boot:run command. Please note that supporting services (Config and Discovery Server) must be started before any other application (Customers, Vets, Visits and API). Startup of Tracing server, Admin server, Grafana and Prometheus is optional. If everything goes well, you can access the following services at given location:

You can tell Config Server to use your local Git repository by using native Spring profile and setting GIT_REPO environment variable, for example: -Dspring.profiles.active=native -DGIT_REPO=/projects/springboothomework-configuration

Once build base-parent and base-service with this command for add custom dependencies to local repo

cd base-parent
mvn clean install
cd ../base-service
mvn clean install

Change the Application boostrap file change it to localhost not network in docker First run docker compose without config-server and customer and book-service and book-store services. (For Mongo Database) Run config-server first After Run customer, book-service and book-store with -Dspring.profiles.active=test (test-profile)

For build Docker image EX:config-server

cd config-server
./mvnw clean install -P buildDocker

There is so much to do here. Licence is open. We can make it better


Swagger Client written but not configured because of the version of my spring version. There is a bug with keyword is Failed to start bean 'documentationPluginsBootstrapper' which cause of Spring 2.6 changes the default strategy for matching request paths against registered Spring MVC handler mappings has changed from AntPathMatcher to PathPatternParser. Swagger problem with spring fox.

Starting services locally with docker-compose

In order to start entire infrastructure using Docker, you have to build images by executing ./mvnw clean install -P buildDocker from each project root. Once images are ready, you can start them with a single command docker-compose up. Containers startup order is coordinated with dockerize script. After starting services it takes a while for composition of the syncing with service registry,

Docker Compose

For easy to use all images are built and pushed to dockerhub and users can use single command docker-compose up is enough for the compilation

The master branch uses an Alpine linux with JRE 8 as Docker base. You will find a Java 11 version in the release/java11 branch.

NOTE: Under MacOSX or Windows, make sure that the Docker VM has enough memory to run the microservices. The default settings are usually not enough and make the docker-compose up painfully slow.

Understanding the Book-Store Application

Postman collection


You can then access customers here: http://localhost:8081/book-store/customer

1) Firstly Get Token Uses JWT



    "username" : "baseUser",
    "password" : "password"

There is only one user can join the system. Because Token database is not exist.

2) Example SaveCustomer


After running container You can test with these commands

docker ps
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                                   COMMAND                  CREATED          STATUS                             PORTS                               NAMES
15ce523b6f44   fatihkoyuncuoglu/customer:latest        "./dockerize -wait=t…"   12 minutes ago   Up 12 minutes     >8083/tcp             customer
f1a105863b79   mongoclient/mongoclient                 "./entrypoint.sh nod…"   12 minutes ago   Up 12 minutes     >3000/tcp             readingisgood-mongo-client-1
adf4da3e74ce   mongo-express                           "tini -- /docker-ent…"   12 minutes ago   Up 11 minutes     >8081/tcp             readingisgood-mongo-express-1
ab267d62a8d4   fatihkoyuncuoglu/book-service:latest    "./dockerize -wait=t…"   12 minutes ago   Up 12 minutes     >8084/tcp             book-service
879044119f53   fatihkoyuncuoglu/book-store:latest      "./dockerize -wait=t…"   12 minutes ago   Up 12 minutes     >8081/tcp             book-store
bb9820b5e261   readingisgood_grafana-server            "/run.sh"                12 minutes ago   Up 12 minutes     >3000/tcp             grafana-server
b99f8eaaf9c8   mongo                                   "docker-entrypoint.s…"   12 minutes ago   Up 12 minutes     >27017/tcp           readingisgood-mongo-1
d2d0e7684eda   openzipkin/zipkin                       "start-zipkin"           12 minutes ago   Up 12 minutes (healthy)     9410/tcp,>9411/tcp   tracing-server
257d94deb993   fatihkoyuncuoglu/config-server:latest   "java org.springfram…"   12 minutes ago   Up 12 minutes (unhealthy)>8888/tcp             config-server

After this command you need to go inside container with this command

docker exec -it 6fea65ba853c sh                         # book-store containerId

Now you are in container In this path you can see files those you saved before. All file names hashed by algorithm and stored by that name.

cd /var/log/java


Specialized Logging when any document effected for your attraction please look logs

For Log in container

docker logs -f containerId 
## For Example customer container id 
## docker logs -f 15ce523b6f44


That gives you customer info that you stored before. You will use the hash and extension for getting file


Locally saves file Get file info from mongo using customer microservice


There is not enough time for writes these endpoints and microservices.

More time makes these happen.

The development of project has a break until review.

Order microservice

  • Uses customer and book services for order
  • Stores order book_id and customer_id and order count
  • Stores statictic data for order count

Order Management

  • Uses order customer and book services for validation of order
  • Sends data to order microservice from book-store

Statictic Microservice

  • Every microservice feed statistic for uses of their services
  • Stores data to mongo for order status


  • Writing more test and increase coverage Unit test mostly using Mockito, Junit
  • Each microservice automation validation tests
  • Using test containers for integration test in microservices which are already used mongo


  • Prepare a visual dashboard
  • Each microservice sends data to actuator and prometheus collect it. But no dashboard prepared for visual.

Database configuration

In its default configuration, customer and any other uses an database (Mongo) which gets populated at startup with data. Database only stores collections of your customer or book

Start a Mongo database

You may start a Mongo database with docker:

docker run -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME=root -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD=bootdb -p 27017:27017 mongo:latest

or download and install the MongoDb database (e.g., Mongo Server 4.x), which can be found here: https://hub.docker.com/_/mongo

Custom metrics monitoring

Grafana and Prometheus are included in the docker-compose.yml configuration, and the public facing applications have been instrumented with MicroMeter to collect JVM and custom business metrics.

A JMeter load testing script is available to stress the application and generate metrics:

Using Prometheus

Using Grafana with Prometheus

Custom metrics

Spring Boot registers a lot number of core metrics: JVM, CPU, Tomcat, Logback... The Spring Boot auto-configuration enables the instrumentation of requests handled by Spring MVC. All those three REST controllers OwnerResource, PetResource and VisitResource have been instrumented by the @Timed Micrometer annotation at class level.



Only customer includes tests and its below the 50% limit but the time is the big problem and TDD is not used while developing

Tech Stack

  • Mongo
  • Java 11
  • Spring Boot 2.6
  • Spring Security
  • Spring Data
  • Zipkin
  • Prometheus
  • Grafana
  • Unit Test
  • Mongo express
  • Mongo Client


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For pull requests, editor preferences are available in the editor config for easy use in common text editors. Read more and download plugins at http://editorconfig.org.