Building the linear Regression Model, Using the sklearn dataset of diabetes patient. The purpose is to understand the Linear Regression Model. Importing libaries with dataset for sklearn import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import pandas as pd from sklearn import datasets, linear_model diabetes = datasets.load_diabetes() from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error Loading the dataset from sklearn of daibetes The dataset is quite big with different features and labels.We will only use one feature and label. With 30 rows each for training and testing. We took 30 row for training and testing. Similarly we have to take same amount and same position of data for label too because they are corresponds to features Choosing Model and importing model and using for training adn setting parameters for training, prediction. Calculating Error by using Mean square error, use the function of model.intercept_ to know the intercept value to see our model prediction is right or not Use model.coef_ function to measure the weight od model. In the end we use scatter plot to visualise our model prediction.We using the line to decrease the error END
Building the linear Regression Model, Using the sklearn dataset of diabetes patient. The purpose is to understand the Linear Model, So we’re just using one feature and one label. And only 30 row from the data.
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