Local Setup

Clone and open the project in your IDE.


  1. Docker/Docker Compose
  2. Git client

How to Run?

The fast way to run the service is by executing below commands script from root folder of the repository:

docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d

If you get the error Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket just run manually the db setup from in install_server.sh

How to destroy it?

docker-compose down

The dashboard Service is now ready to receive webhook updates requests.

Dashboard link http://localhost:8080/dashboard

webhook can be triggered as below:

curl -X POST localhost:8080/webhook/1e9 --data '{"collerys":{"registrationsToday":"121","visitorsToday":"30432","visitors":[{"age":29,"name":"muster man","surname":"muster von muenster"},{"age":45,"name":"muster kind","surname":"muster von dortmund"}]},"duftz":{"registrationsToday":"435","visitorsToday":"234","visitors":[{"age":29,"name":"muster man","surname":"muster von muenster"},{"age":45,"name":"muster kind","surname":"muster von dortmund"}]},"belegbote":{"registrationsToday":"054","visitorsToday":"2433","visitors":[{"age":29,"name":"muster man","surname":"muster von muenster"},{"age":45,"name":"muster kind","surname":"muster von dortmund"}]},"greetix":{"registrationsToday":"77","visitorsToday":"987970","visitors":[{"age":29,"name":"muster man","surname":"muster von muenster"},{"age":45,"name":"muster kind","surname":"muster von dortmund"}]}}'

you can change the data and the dashbaord will be changed in client side without ajax or websockts i used:



How it works

i subscribed dashboard to a topic 1e9 and then when this topic is updated it use SSE to update all clients alt text

the view from different clients


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