
Repo to track the amount of money I owe my girlfriend

Primary LanguagePython

Cost Sharing


(TODO: make a real url)

App to show spending and help calculate what is owed between two people at the end of the month


  • Show cost by day of the month
  • Integrate with google sheets
  • Calculate how much each has payed total
  • Calculate how much each owes the other


Trello: https://trello.com/b/Nz1DZk2j/costsavings


  • setup env: 'heroku config:set google_secrets="cat ./client_secret.json | paste -sd \"\t\""'
    • 'export google_secrets="cat ./client_secret.json | paste -sd \"\t\""'
  • deploy: git push heroku master



  1. Create a bucket for static hosting

    npm run build && aws s3 sync build s3://costsaving-react

  2. Create a cloudfront cdn for the static files

  3. Create a lambda function

  4. Create a API gateway so that I can send requests to my lambda function and get back its json responses

  5. Configure the lambda to use secrets