- 99z
- ahmetnavruz
- AnttiLukats@micro-FPGA
- Castor208
- enqode
- furoge
- goran-mahovlicCroatia
- hansklavNetherlands
- ironsteelPlovdiv/Bulgaria
- jjgWisconsin
- jonnydubowsky@sensecollective, Effector Finance, Rock 'n Renew, Jonny Lives!
- keyworqMinneapolis, Minnesota, USA
- Kishore-Numato
- ljmccarthyLeeds, United Kingdom
- mietek
- neslekkimOslo, Norway
- norayr@vishapoberon
- owtlaLos Angeles, CA USA
- pablomarx
- rsdoielCalifornia Institute of Technology
- samveenIN(Here n There)
- sidsharma22Carnegie Mellon
- skiphansenSouthern California
- T-recksNASA
- uhoFH Wedel University of Applied Sciences
- xiemark
- yuchenWYC