Automatic Image Upload to Google Drive

This Node.js application watches a specific folder on your local system and automatically uploads any new images to a specified folder on your Google Drive account. It uses the chokidar library to monitor the folder for changes and Google Drive API for cloud interaction.



  1. Folder to Watch: Specify the folder you want the application to watch. This folder will be monitored for new images to upload.

  2. Google Drive Folder ID: Create a public google drive folder which has edit access and copy the folder link.

  3. Credentials: Obtain and add your own cred.json file in the project directory. This file contains OAuth 2.0 credentials to interact with Google Drive.

  4. Error Logging: Error logging functionality is included to log and display any errors during the upload process.

Obtaining Google Cloud Credentials

  1. Go to the Google Cloud Console.
  2. Enable the Google Drive API.
  3. Create a service account and generate a cred.json file.
  4. Save the cred.json file in your project directory.
  5. Watch the video reference given below to create the cred.json file.

Google Drive Permissions

  1. Manage Folder Permissions:

    • Allow anyone can access permission to the google driver folder.
  2. IAM and Admin Permissions:

    • Go to the IAM and Admin section.
    • Add the service account with appropriate permissions to your requested users.
    • Watch the video reference to know about the permissions.

For more detailed guidance on permissions and settings, follow the reference video pinned below.


  1. Install Node.js: Make sure Node.js is installed on your system.

  2. Install Dependencies:

    • Navigate to the project directory and run:
      npm install
  3. Run the Application:

    • Start the application:
      nodemon app

After execution, the application will start monitoring the specified folder and uploading new files to the cloud.
