I'm a creative ui developer...
Download or copy file code and create a file with .scss ext*
Prepend utils.scss file in your project config e.g vite.config, next.config
-- vite config
css: {
preprocessorOptions: {
scss: {
additionalData: `
@import "url to file";
-- next config
sassOptions: {
prependData: `@import "url to file";`
Now, you can use predefined $variables, functions or mixins written in this file. You don't need import statements in any other scss file to use variables, mixings or functions.
==> This will generate my-fs-0 to my-fs-50 in em unit
@include generateUtilClass("my-fs", "font-size");
==> Same you can create custom classess ranging from my-width-0 to my-width-250 (ofcourse you can modify max limit... :))
@include generateUtilClass("my-width-w", "width");
@include generateUtilClass("your-prefix-h", "height");
@include generateUtilClass("your-prefix-pr", "padding-right");
@include generateUtilClass("your-prefix-pl", "padding-left");
==>All margins will be generated in rem unit if third args `true`
@include generateUtilClass("your-prefix-mb", "margin-block-end",
Still need help? Reach me through my email