
In this project, we will build a basic website that allows users to add/remove books from a list. We will achieve this by using JavaScript objects and arrays. We will also need to dynamically modify…

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Basic website that allows users to add/remove books from a list.

Awesome-Books Web site.

Awesome-Books Web site Project initialization

Live Demo:

Live Demo Link

Built With

  • HTML(HTML-5).
  • CSS(Flexbox - grid).
  • javaScript (Vanilla JS).
  • Github.
  • Local Storage.
  • Linters.

In this project we :

  • Add Linters for HTML/CSS.
  • Use best practices for HTML & CSS.
  • Update README file.
  • Add Mark up to the .html file.
  • Add style to the web site.
  • Add Form to save books .
  • use Local storage to save user data.
  • User can add books and can remoove it from the list.
  • Using classes instead of Objects.
  • ★ Modify the Awesome books application to have:
    • A Navigation bar.
    • Three content sections:
      • Books list.
      • Add book form.
      • Contact info.

Getting Started

1- clone Repo. git clone git@github.com:MostafaShahat2021/portfolio.git

2- Install npm (node pakage manager) you can run any one of these commands to install npm on your machine:

  • npm i
  • npm install
  • sudo apt install npm

to install globally, just add a -g or --global after the install or i

  • npm i -g
  • sudo apt install -g npm

Run tests

We use Linters for HTML/CSS to cheack this project.


👤 Abdul Saboor

🤝 Contributing

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Feel free to check the issues page.

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📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.