
A Node.js command-line application that take in information about employees on a software engineering team, then generates an HTML webpage that displays summaries for each person.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


As a manager a user might want to generate a webpage that displays one's team's basic info so that a user have quick access to their emails and GitHub profiles.

Hereby I would like to present the potential users with a Node.js command-line application that take in information about employees on a software engineering team, then generates an HTML webpage that displays summaries for each person.

This command-line application create classes for each team member and export them. * The first class is an Employee parent class with the following properties and methods:
* name * id * email * getName() * getId() * getEmail() * getRole()—returns 'Employee'
* The other three classes will extend Employee.
* In addition to Employee's properties and methods, Manager will also have the following: * officeNumber * getRole()—overridden to return 'Manager' * In addition to Employee's properties and methods, Engineer will also have the following: * github—GitHub username * getGithub() * getRole()—overridden to return 'Engineer' * In addition to Employee's properties and methods, Intern will also have the following: * school * getSchool() * getRole()—overridden to return 'Intern'

  • Code were written in index.js that uses inquirer to gather information about the development team members and creates objects for each team member using the correct classes as blueprints.
    • When a user starts the application then they are prompted to enter the team manager’s:
      • Name
      • Employee ID
      • Email address
      • Office number
    • When a user enters those requirements then the user is presented with a menu with the option to:
      • Add an engineer
      • Add an intern
      • Finish building the team
    • When a user selects the engineer option then a user is prompted to enter the following and then the user is taken back to the menu:
      • Engineer's Name
      • ID
      • Email
      • GitHub username
    • When a user selects the intern option then a user is prompted to enter the following and then the user is taken back to the menu:
      • Intern’s name
      • ID
      • Email
      • School
    • When a user decides to finish building their team then they exit the application, and the HTML is generated.
  • Call the render function and pass in an array containing all employee objects;
    • The render function will generate and return a block of HTML including templated divs for each employee!

A sample HTML file generated using the application: output\teamprofile.html

The following image shows a mock-up of the generated HTML’s appearance and functionality:

first screenshot of webpage interface

second screenshot of webpage interface