
Marquee label for swift

Primary LanguageSwift


MarqueeLabel is very easy to use label. Using CABasicAnimation to implement.


Just run the example project, or clone the repo.


  • Xcode 12 or above
  • iOS 14
  • Swift 5

How to use

  • Setp 1. In storyboard, drop a UILabel into viewController.


  • Setp 2. Select [Show the Identity inspector] in right side panel.
  • Setp 3. Change class to [MarqueeLabel] in Custom Class


  • Setp 4. Create Referencing Outlets


  • Setp 5. Setting text
// Create new label
let label = MarqueeLabel()

// Set up default style
label.style = DefaultStyle()

// Set up the text using default property
lable.text = "Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish. And I have always wished that for myself."

// Update the text color using default property
label.textColor = .blue

//  Update the text font using default property
label.font = .preferredFont(forTextStyle: .title1)
  • Setp 6. Build and run!


Customize property

// the style must be init with text
var style1 = DefaultStyle()

// need show full text or not
style1.showFullText = true

// set back color
style1.backColor = .clear

// set whether to end the animation with transparency
style1.opacityInTheEnd = true

// set marquee time
style1.duration = 10

New Feature

Implement this protocol if you need tap event, like as:

self.demoLabel.delegate = self

extension ViewController:MarqueeLabelProtocol {
    func tap(sender: MarqueeLabel) {
       	//Do something...


Licence MIT