Heart Disease Prediction Make prediction on patient have heart disease or not. Do the Data Analysis - Descriptive statistics link: https://www.kaggle.com/code/ishanjat/heart-disease-prediction/data
- To make prediction on the patient have the heart disease or not
- Do the data analysis
- the deep learning model is used and trained
- The model is self-made.
- The project built with Spyder as the main IDE
- use Tensorflow, Keras, Numpy, Mathplot
- The dataset was obtained in form of csv containing the 1024 smaples with 14 features.
- perform data cleaning to see the null data is available or not. In this project there is no null data. we move on to another step.
- Do the data analysis; correlation between the pair of feature
- Perform data preprocessing where we spilt data into feature(inputs) and label (output). The output is in the form of 1 or 0, to show that this project is binary classification problem
- the model constist of 5 dense layers.
- Correlation:
- histogram of age
- histogram of target ( 1 or 0)
- histogram of sex
- density plot of age
- density plot of thalach
- density plot of chol
- boxplot of data
use train test split
- Model summary:
-The model is compile with optimizer of 'adam' with learning rate = 0.001, loss= BinaryCrossentropy', metrics of accuracy, batch_size of 32 and epochs of 200
- The value is display by using TensorBoard:
the top is for training and the bottom for test
- we can see that the model has 100% accuracy and almost 0 loss. The model is good and no need modifictaions
- make predictions
- make prediction on the first 5 test data