
demo of using RedisLabs RedisCloud as a user caching store for a node.js app with SQL Azure

Primary LanguageC#Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Handling Sessions with Redis Cloud

Demo of using RedisLabs RedisCloud as a user caching store for a node.js app with Azure SQL

NOTE: Instructions are for OSX

  1. Prerequisites
  • install node.js
  • install azure cli
  • use a text editor (VSCode, Sublime, etc...)
  1. Redis Cloud
  • go to RedisLabs.com and sign up
  • login to RedisLabs.com and click 'New Redis Subscription'
  • next to 'Cloud' click the drop down, select 'Azure/west-us' and 30MB/Free
  • go to 'My Resources' >'Manage Resources', wait for the green checkmark
  • note your Redis Cloud endpoint address and Redis password
  • fill in these values on the Redis variables in your 'env' file
  1. Azure Setup
  • fill in your desired values in your 'azure-scripts/redis-lab-demo-sql-server/parameters.json' file
  • open 'azure-scripts/redis-lab-demo-sql-server/deploy.sh'
  • run 'azure-scripts/redis-lab-demo-sql-server/deploy.sh' from a bash shell
  • connect to your Azure SQL instance with a client (i.e. Navicat), run scripts
    • run 'user-login.sql' and 'user-status.sql' to create tables
  • fill in your SQL values in your 'env' file
  1. Test the results
  • update 'redis-cloud.js' line 25 to use your value for the 'secret'
  • rename the 'env' file to '.env'
  • run npm install
  • test with localhost
  • get your ip address and set a firewall rule in azure to test remotely
  • run the commands in 'azure-scripts/deploy-site.sh'
  • push your code to azure using the following commands
    • git add .
    • git commit - '{your commit message}'
    • git push azure master
  • test via your azure website endpoint (using a browser)