Problem Set 2


In this assignment, you will write Python code to simulate some of the streaming algorithms that we discussed in class on a pseudo-streamed data set. We will use a text corpus called leipzig100k.txt, a file that contains a little over 2 million English alphanumeric words. In order to simulate a stream of words, you should pretend that your only access to the data is through the generator, data_stream, that appears in the file

An additional data file, Proper.txt, contains a proper subset of the words in the data stream, all tagged as proper nouns by the nltk package (the Natural Language Toolkit).

In a departure from the usual notebook, this assignment will also be done using a git workflow on github. This will also provide some practice for those of you that have not used git/github before: the class project to be announced on Thursday, will be exclusively done via github too! If you haven't done so already, please take the time to go through the git lesson at Software Carpentry, or choose from literally tens of tutorial sites, e.g. here.

The first thing to do is to create a github account for yourself: this is the remote location where you will store (or push, in git parlance) your local repositories. You should become comfortable with forking/cloning a repository (or, repo), creating a branch, creating a commit, merging a branch, and creating a pull request. Don't worry if you make mistakes in the beginning - the process will teach you a lot about how useful versioning is once you become familiar with git!

The workflow for the assignment will be as follows:

  1. What you are viewing right now is my github repo for the problem set: it lives on github at https://RUC-cs562/streaming-hw.

  2. Clone a copy of this repo either from the command line or from github's GUI interface into a local repository on your machine (your local repository will be referred to as your master repo in the rest of the assignment description).

  3. All your code changes will only go into the file - do not modify or create other files! A skeleton file has been created in the repo for you to start editing and adding code. You will need to have additional fucntions and scripting in there to complete various parts of the assignment.

  4. The assignment has 3 parts. Each part should be implemented in a branch of master, completed in that branch, committed in that branch, and then finally merged back into the master repo.

  5. Keep pushing your local master repo to a remote origin repo - all the tutorials will have directions on how to initially create a remote repo on gitgub. This step is important because I will check your work (the three versions of from your remote repo on github. Your remote repo must be synchronized with your local master before you go to step 5.

  6. Issue a pull request on my repo (https://RUC-cs562/streaming-hw) in which you should provide the github address of your remote repo.

If any of this is not completely clear, we will go over it in class on Thursday - however, you are expected to read/watch/practice the git/github lessons before coming to class.

Part 1

Design a Bloom filter for the set of words contained in Proper.txt. The filter should consist of a bit-vector of size 32KB - you should use the bitarray package to create the vector (see the bitarray documentation to understand how to install and use this package. You should create 5 hash functions that map arbitrary words into the Bloom filter (note that the range of each of the hash functions should be a 18-bit number since 32KB equals 2^18 bits). Now initialize the filter on the set of words in Proper.txt by hashing them and marking the corresponding bit positions in the filter.

Determine the total number of false positives recorded when the entire data stream is checked against the filter (a false positive corresponds to a word that is not in Proper.txt but whose hashed positions are all marked).

Once completed, commit the code in the branch with the commit message Completed code for part 1 before merging it with the master repo.

Part 2

Implement the Flajolet-Martin algorithm to count the approximate number of distinct words in the data stream. Assuming that you have sampled your hash functions in part 1 from a universal hash family, you should be able to use the same family to create 35 hash functions for the FM algorithm: each function should be able to map a word to a 24-bit number. You should then be able to compute the largest trailing length of zeroes for each hash function and obtain the 30 FM-estimates for the number of distinct elements. Note that each estimate will be a power of 2.

Group the functions into seven groups, each group containing five functions. Next, compute the average estimate per group and then choose the median estimate of the seven group averages. This will be the value returned by your implementation.

Once completed, commit the code in the branch with the commit message Completed code for part 2 before merging it with the master repo.

Part 3

Implement the AMS algorithm using 512 variables to approximate the second and third moments of the data stream. Note that you can keep track of the stream length seen thus far to implement the appropriate sampling needed for the reservoir (a word at a given position is supposed to be chosen uniformly at random among all positions seen, hence the need for reservoir sampling).

Recall that the counts for the variables can be used to obtain individual estimates for the moments. By averaging these estimates across all the variables, you will obtain an estimate for the appropriate moment (compute both second and third moments).

Once completed, commit the code in the branch with the commit message Completed code for part 3 before merging it with the master repo.


As mentioned above, initiate a new pull request with an appropriate message describing the status of your master repos. I will have access to your repos so will be able to check them individually.

Additionally, please use the Assignments submission link for set2 on Sakai to submit the completed file