
This project was generated with Angular version 8.3.20. and NodeJs Version v12.13.1

Development server

How to run this app?

Follow the following steps:

  1. Clone the code from GitHub git clone
  2. Find the users.sql file and upload this database in your MySQL
  3. Config the api/src/DB/ db.config.js file from according to your configuration.
  4. Install the nodemon or http-server globally (In my case I am running this app using nodemon).
  5. Finally open the link http://localhost:5000/user/login

Following are screens

Login Screen

Here User Can login using Mobile number and password

Login Page

Signup Screen

Sign-Up Page

Here User Signup form need to feel following details

  1. Full name
  2. Email Address (Email need to be unique)
  3. Mobile number (Mobile number is unique)
  4. Account Password
  5. Confirm Password

User Details

Sign-Up Page

User Place Details

Sign-Up Page

On clicking on Eye icon user can view his saved places

View User saved places

Sign-Up Page


Sign-Up Page

  1. User Can Edit saved places
  2. User can delete saved places and details
  3. User can Active Deactivate Places and details

Add New Places and Details

Sign-Up Page

Edit Places and Details

Sign-Up Page