
Complete Full Stack DApp (Decentralized Application) using solidity language, hardhat, and next.js framework for frontend. Connect Multiple wallet functionality, Winner is picked automatically after 30 seconds if all conditions are true.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Complete Full Stack DApp (Decentralized Application) using solidity language, hardhat, and next.js framework for frontend. Connect Multiple wallet functionality, Winner is picked automatically after 30 seconds if all conditions are true.

Smart Contract Deployed on Rinkeby Test Network -> 0x47b5A79aE313DB9FdEcb705Eb6FB252A37AdB63

Check It at -> https://shiny-dust-3581.on.fleek.co (Deployed on fleek (IPFS)

Check Smart Contract At -> https://rinkeby.etherscan.io/address/0x47b5A79aE313DB9FdEcb705Eb6FB252A37AdB63c#code

How to Setup in your local enviroment :-


1. cd frontend
2. npm install
3. npm run dev


1. cd Smart-Contract
2. npm install
3. setup env
4. npx hardhat test
5. npx hardhat deploy --network localhost

Technologies/Frameworks Used :-


  1. Next.js
  2. Tailwind CSS (For styling)
  3. ts-particles (for background animations)
  4. Moralis (For web3 integration)
  5. Web3uikit (For wallet connect button and notifications)
  6. Ethers (For converting value into ethers)
  7. Fleek IPFS (For deploying frontend)


  1. Solidity (To develop Smart Contract)
  2. Javascript (For deploying scripts)
  3. Chai (For testing Smart Contract)
  4. Chain-Link (For getting random number and choosing winner after specific time)
  5. Rinkeby (Test network)
  6. Hardhat
  7. ethers