- 1
- 6
- 0
- 1
- 2
Not working On Live Site (Flutter Web) : " toImage is not supported on the Web"
#198 opened by Sahil-Kundaliya - 2
- 2
Uint8List has 0s while taking screenshot on IOS
#166 opened by mtalhastar - 0
Corrupted striped image on physical iOS device
#196 opened by NeatBee - 1
Not work on Android 14
#192 opened by QuDaMyker - 0
- 1
- 1
The width of the image captured using captureFromWidget varies depending on the browser size on the web.
#189 opened by xpwmaosldk - 1
image qualiy from `captureFromLongWidget` is too bad(blur) compare to captureFromWidget
#191 opened by acike - 4
Long widget didn't work
#175 opened by OpenJarvisAI - 2
No MediaQuery widget ancestor found.
#179 opened by Raj-impetrosys - 2
Screenshot fails when trying to take a screenshot - Flutter Web when website is viewed from a mobile (ios) device.
#180 opened by shawnAshton - 2
Error: No named parameter with the name 'size'
#187 opened by yohami - 4
FlutterError (View.of() was called with a context that does not contain a View widget.
#153 opened by mgeilich - 1
Crashes on Linux / Flutter 3.22
#185 opened by sgehrman - 10
- 12
No named parameter with the name 'size' :: vs. 2.3.0 issue with Flutter (Channel master, 3.21.0-9.0.pre.29, on macOS)
#169 opened by Isa41 - 7
- 3
Not build with new flutter 3.22.0
#181 opened by marcellocamara - 2
Error (Xcode): ../../../.pub-cache/hosted/ Error: No named parameter with the name 'logicalConstraints'.
#182 opened by tareqalhammoodi - 1
_Image.toByteData.<anonymous closure>.<anonymous closure> (dart:ui/painting.dart:1959:25)
#145 opened by illmushka - 0
- 1
Cannot capture Overlays
#176 opened by smartconnecttechnologies - 2
The argument type 'Null Function(Uint8List)' can't be assigned to the parameter type 'FutureOr<dynamic> Function(Uint8List?)'.
#172 opened by lucasjinreal - 1
- 1
Capturing Screenshot doesn't work in HookWidget
#177 opened by abdullah-cse - 11
No named parameter with the name 'size'
#165 opened by cucumber99 - 1
- 1
Taking Screenshot of only background on web
#146 opened by rohanjariwala03 - 2
How can I remove the corner radius in an image?
#173 opened by micaelsn - 0
- 2
Requested the Locale of a context that does not include a Localizations ancestor.
#151 opened by tuceturan - 4
Black screen on Youtube screenshot
#148 opened by minh-dai - 2
- 1
- 2
Undefined name 'View'.
#150 opened by theeranan - 3
No longer compiles post Flutter 3.18.0 - api changed to ViewConfiguration to take ViewConstraints instead of Size
#157 opened by timmaffett - 3
capture from long widget in version 1.3.0
#161 opened by nikhil-viewzen - 1
arguments don't match. const ViewConfiguration({ No named parameter with the name 'size'.
#167 opened by SameerGhaffar - 1
No MediaQuery widget ancestor found.
#159 opened by niluved - 0
Ads not rending in images
#163 opened by dhcracchiolo - 0
Blank screen on IOS
#160 opened by GayeKone222 - 1
The argument type 'Future<Null> Function(Uint8List)' can't be assigned to the parameter type 'FutureOr<dynamic> Function(Uint8List?)'.
#154 opened by Entrebear - 0
Another exception: Unexpected null value
#152 opened by AbhishekDoshi26 - 2
captureFromWidget with Provider: ProviderNotFoundException
#144 opened by xErik - 2
No named parameter with the name 'view'.
#147 opened by SwiftSpotter