Whack a mole is a game in which there is a mole in the grid and you have to hit it under a time limit as many times as you can.
Users should be able to:
- Can clicks on the mole, their score should increment by one.
- Can set the displayed score to zero using 'Reset' button
- Can change game mode using 'Mode' button
- Solution URL: https://github.com/SachinShewale2611/Whack-a-mole
- Live Site URL: https://sachin-whack-a-mole.netlify.app/
- Semantic HTML5 markup
- CSS custom properties
- JavaSrcipt Event Listener
While doing this project I have implemented the Javascript functionality of event Listener. Project helped to polish my css skills as well as JavaScript skills. I have learnt to implement HTML,CSS,JavaScript to meet design expectation.
- https://www.w3schools.com/ - This helped me for strengthening the fundamentals of HTML and CSS. I really liked this site and will use it going forward whenever needed.
- https://javascript.info/ - This is an amazing website for building javascript fundamentals. I'd recommend it to anyone to learn Javasript from scratch.
- Website - Sachin Shewale