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This sample project is managing gateways - master devices that control multiple peripheral devices.

Your task is to create a REST service (JSON/HTTP) for storing information about these gateways and their associated devices. This information must be stored in the database.

When storing a gateway, any field marked as “to be validated” must be validated and an error returned if it is invalid. Also, no more that 10 peripheral devices are allowed for a gateway.

The service must also offer an operation for displaying information about all stored gateways (and their devices) and an operation for displaying details for a single gateway. Finally, it must be possible to add and remove a device from a gateway.

Each gateway has:

  • a unique serial number (string),
  • human-readable name (string),
  • IPv4 address (to be validated),
  • multiple associated peripheral devices.

Each peripheral device has:

  • a UID (number),
  • vendor (string),
  • date created,
  • status - online/offline.


  • Frontend: Vue.js + Bootstrap 5
  • Backend: NodeJS + Express + MongoDB REST API

How to?

  1. Clone this repo: git clone
  2. Move to the cloned directory: cd gateways

Production environment

  1. Rename the file .env.template to .env and adjust the variables values properly
  2. Run docker-compose up
  3. The app should be ready on http://localhost

Development environment

  1. Rename the file .env.template to .env and adjust the variables values properly
  2. Execute npm install to get all dependencies including dev ones
  3. Run docker-compose -f up which mounts a volume so you can make changes and the container stays in sync.
  4. The app should be ready on http://localhost

Testing environment

  1. Rename the file .env.template to .env-test and adjust the variables values properly
  2. Run docker-compose -f docker-compose.test.yml run node npm run test

Github action

A Github actions is configured to be executed on every push so tests must be passed for the push (or PR) to be effective.