
Xpense Bot 🤑

~ Better than an app, more than a chatbot

It is hard to keep track of money, especially as a student where we do small amounts of transactions frequently and as a result we get left with no money by the end of the month. And using an app for it, which makes you open the app and log in expenses each time, makes it a very tedious and monotonus task. That's where Xpense Bot comes into play. By using Xpense Bot, you can easily manage your expenses right on your whatsapp with just few messages! Making it extremely fast and convenient!

Tech Stack 💻

Client: Whatsapp, Twilio API

Server: Flask

Database: MongoDb

Hosting: Railway.app

Features ✨

  • Add Expenses 📝 - User can add expenses based on categories such as Food, Travel, Rent, Shopping etc.
  • Delete Expenses ❌ - User can delete expenses by specifying - Expense Name, Expense Amount and Date Added.
  • Set Monthly Budget 💰- User can set monthly budget or expense limit. And when this expense will be reached, user will get an alert to reduce his/her spendings.
  • Expense Report 📊 - User can get a brief report or an insight regarding their spendings based on a given date range.
  • Regional Language Support 💬 - User can set their desired regional language like hindi, marathi, gujrati etc. to easily chat with the bot. Making it extremely accessible!
  • Overspend Alert 🔴 - When the total expenses exceeds the budget amount, user will get an alert, suggesting the user to reduce their spendings.

Get Started

To try it out yourself, just follow the steps below:

  • Save this number as Xpense Bot - Here

  • Send "join wind-bicycle" to get connected to Twilio Api.

  • Pin this chat to the top for faster accessibility.

  • Send "Hi" or "Hello" to get started.


1. Creating An Account ➕

After sending "Hi" or "Hello", chatbot will prompt you to create an account. Just enter your name and your account will be created.


2. Selecting A Language 💬

Once account is created, you can choose any regional language in india to chat with the bot.


3. Adding an expense 📝

After the setup, you can simply type in "add expense", and then select category of expense and enter the expense name amount.

For Example

  Coffee 340

If you have not specified any monthly budget, chatbot will prompt you to add one before adding any expense.


4. Deleting an expense ❌

You can easily delete any previously added expense by simply selecting "delete expense" option and then specifying - expense name amount date added {dd/mm/yyyy}.

For Example

  Coffee 340 05/04/2023


5. Change Language 💬 or Budget 💰

You can change the language later by selecting "change language" option and then entering any other regional language.

Also, you can change your budget or expense limit later as well by selecting "Change Budget" option and then entering the amount.


6. Getting a Report 📊

You can also generate a report / insight on your spendings by simply selecting "Send Report" option and then entering a start and end date range.

For Example

  01/04/2023 05/04/2023

All the details will be calculated based on the expenses present between this date range.

Send Report

Contributing ➕➕

Contributions are always welcome!

Follow the steps below to get started:

  • Step 1 - Fork the project
  • Step 2 - Clone the Project
  • Step 3 - Install Dependencies
  • Step 4 - Create A New Branch
  • Step 5 - Develop, Stage, and Commit
  • Step 6 - Push the Changes
  • Step 7 - Create a Pull Request


If you have any feedback, please reach out to us at binarybats@gmail.com