
A CLI similar to create-react-app, just for simple & small libraries. 📚

Primary LanguageJavaScript

create-react-prototype npm

Create, test & showcase React libraries with no build configuration. 📚


  • Setting up a build environment for every single small library gets tedious, repetetive and difficult to maintain.
  • You should not have to write dozens of configuration files just to compile your ES6 React code to ES5.
  • Having tons of files unrelated to the library code itself distracts from its true purpose.

create-react-prototype intends to fix these issues by providing a zero configuration out of the box solution for writing react libraries. There won't be a single file related to your build process, etc. in your library.


  • Compile ES5 to ES6
  • Transpile React to valid JavaScript
  • Unit Testing with Jest integrated
  • Linting with ESLint integrated
  • Storybook to showcase your components integrated
  • Example create-react-app project integrated
  • Use your favorite package manager - npm & yarn are supported

Quick Start

If you are a visual learner you can find a video tutorial here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XwdJaKLfFK4

Install create-react-prototype globally:

$ npm i -g create-react-prototype

Create a new directory for your libaray and initialize the project in it:

$ mkdir my-library
$ cd my-library
$ create-react-prototype init

You'll now be prompted to set up the package.json, and then create-react-prototype will go ahead and set everything up for you.

Building/testing/releasing your library is rather simple with these scripts:

$ npm run build
$ npm run watch
$ npm run test
$ npm run pack
$ npm run release

If you cd to example a create-react-app stands ready to be used, with your library already installed:

$ npm run watch
$ cd example
$ npm run start

Read more in the wiki.

What is create-react-prototype not?

  • You cannot write applications in create-react-prototype - We output compiled ES5 modules, not a bundle.js.
  • It is not suited for applications which require a complex tweakable build configuration. This library is suited for small libraries for which writing a traditional build environment is simply overkill. If your library has reached a scope where you need manually tweakable build steps you will either want to take a look at create-react-library or set up the configuration yourself.
  • Unlike create-react-app this library does not support ejecting.