React Template Hub Directory

This repository serves as a centralized space for creating and organizing various React components and templates.

Folder Structure

Creating New Templates

  1. Type-Based Organization

    • Inside the src folder, create subfolders based on component types, such as Headers, Footers, Cards, Forms, etc.
  2. Template Variations

    • Within each folder (such as Headers, Footers, etc.), categorize them into different variations. For instance:
      • Header
        • firstHeader
        • secondHeader
      • Footer
        • basicFooter
        • detailedFooter
      • ...
  3. Subfolders for Components

    • For each variation folder (firstHeader, secondHeader, etc.) you have to create 3 files:
      • Components: Holds specific React components for the variation.
      • Pages: Reserved for relevant pages for the variation.
      • Styles: Contains specific style files and CSS for the variation.

Implementing the Main Template

  • within the variations folder > Pages add the className gridTemplate to the main div

Example Folder Structure:

|-- Headers/
|   |-- firstHeader/
|   |   |-- Components/
|   |   |-- Pages/
|   |   |-- Styles/
|   |-- secondHeader/
|   |   |-- Components/
|   |   |-- Pages/
|   |   |-- Styles/
|-- Footers/
|   |-- basicFooter/
|   |   |-- Components/
|   |   |-- Pages/
|   |   |-- Styles/
|   |-- detailedFooter/
|   |   |-- Components/
|   |   |-- Pages/
|   |   |-- Styles/
|-- Cards/
|   |-- smallCard/
|   |-- largeCard/
|-- Forms/
|   |-- contactForm/
|   |-- loginForm/
|-- ...


This repo has been made via ChatGPT and will be update if needed