
Chip-8 interpreter

Primary LanguageC

Chip-8 Interpreter

Current Status:

Working on:

  • Chip-8 instruction emulation 0xIXXX
    • I -> Instruction upper nibble
    • XXX -> Rest of instruction
      • 0x0
        • 0x0nnn -> SYS addr -> Not Implementing
        • 0x00E0 -> CLS
        • 0x00EE -> RET
      • 0x1
        • 0x1nnn -> JP addr
      • 0x2
        • 0x2nnn -> CALL addr
      • 0x3
        • 0x3xkk -> SE Vx, byte
      • 0x4
        • 0x4xkk -> SE Vx, Vy
      • 0x5
        • 0x5xy0 -> SE Vx, Vy
      • 0x6
        • 0x6xkk -> LD Vx, byte
      • 0x7
        • 0x7xkk -> ADD Vx, byte
      • 0x8
        • 0x8xy0 -> LD Vx, Vy
        • 0x8xy1 -> OR Vx, Vy
        • 0x8xy2 -> AND Vx, Vy
        • 0x8xy3 -> XOR Vx, Vy
        • 0x8xy4 -> ADD Vx, Vy
        • 0x8xy5 -> SUB Vx, Vy
        • 0x8xy6 -> SHR Vx {, Vy}
        • 0x8xy7 -> SUBN Vx, Vy
        • 0x8xyE -> SHL Vx {, Vy}
      • 0x9
        • 0x9xy0 -> SNE Vx, Vy
      • 0xa
        • 0xAnnn -> LD I, addr
      • 0xb
        • 0xBnnn -> JP V0, addr
      • 0xc
        • 0xCxkk -> RND Vx, byte
      • 0xd
        • 0xDxyn -> DRW Vx, Vy, nibble
      • 0xe
        • 0xEx9E -> SKP Vx
        • 0xExA1 -> SKNP Vx
      • 0xf
        • 0xFx07 -> LD Vx, DT
        • 0xFx0A -> LD Vx, K
        • 0xFx15 -> LD DT, Vx
        • 0xFx18 -> LD ST, Vx
        • 0xFx1E -> ADD I, Vx
        • 0xFx29 -> LD F, Vx
        • 0xFx33 -> LD B, Vx
        • 0xFx55 -> LD [I], Vx
        • 0xFx65 -> LD Vx, [I]
  • SDL2 graphics for Chip-8 implementation
  • Chip-8 object definitions

Notes about the project so far:

  • built on macOS w/ m1 chip
  • relies on machines using little endianness
    • So far, only the color configuration is reliant on this.
  • relies on sdl2 libraries being in /opt/homebrew/Cellar/sdl2/2.28.3
    • makefile is reliant on this

TODO Items:

  • add RAM viewer
  • add register viewer
  • add instruction stepping capability
    • need to figure out how to handle timers during this?
    • maybe calculate avg. instruction time and advance timer that much???
  • add pause feature
  • add keyboard re-mapping feature
  • add ROM hot reloading feature
  • add save states???
  • add live display resizing/scaling

Helper Function TODO Items:

  • Better logging features
    • more colors
    • nesting support
    • add debug levels so that only levels >= desired debug level will show
    • etc
  • Custom SDL2 wrapper specifically for emulators