
Compiles nunjucks templates *right* into the HTML

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Grunt task for rendering nunjucks` templates to HTML

NPM version Build Status

Getting start

If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide.

Once plugin has been installed include it in your Gruntfile.js


Usage examples

Task targets and options may be specified according to the grunt Configuring tasks guide.

nunjucks: {
  options: {
    data: grunt.file.readJSON('data.json'),
    paths: 'templates'
  render: {
    files: {
      'index.html' : ['index.html']

templates/index.html (relative to the gruntfile) is now compiled with data.json!

nunjucks: {
  options: {
    data: grunt.file.readJSON('data.json')
  render: {
    files: [
          expand: true,
          cwd: "bundles/",
          src: "*.html",
          dest: "build/",
          ext: ".html"

You'll get a set of html files in build folder.


$ npm test



Read JSON from file using grunt.file.readJSON or specify object just inside your Gruntfile.


You should specify a function to construct each data object for every of your templates. Execution context for the function would be a grunt file object. If you specify a data option it would be passed inside the function as an argument.

For instance, you could include name of the file inside an every data object

nunjucks: {
  options: {
    preprocessData: function(data) {
      var page = require('path').basename(this.src[0], '.html');
      var result = {
        page: page,
        data: data
      return result;
    data: grunt.file.readJSON('data.json')
  render: {
    files: [
          expand: true,
          cwd: "bundles/",
          src: "*.html",
          dest: "build/",
          ext: ".html"


You could specify root path for your templates, paths would be set for nunjucks' configure


You could use nunjucks' environment API to set some global options. Use configureEnvironment function the same way as preprocessData.

As the second argument for the function you have nunjucks` instance, so you can do some extra work before rendering. For instance, you can pre-render some string in custom filter or extension.

nunjucks: {
  options: {
    configureEnvironment: function(env, nunjucks) {
      // for instance, let's set a global variable across all templates
      env.addGlobal('foo', 'bar');
  render: {
    files: [
          expand: true,
          cwd: "bundles/",
          src: "*.html",
          dest: "build/",
          ext: ".html"

Check out nunjucks' API to know a list of available methods for environment object.

Nunjucks' configure API

You can use nunjucks' configure API as options for plugin.


If you want different tokens than {{ and the rest for variables, blocks, and comments, you can specify different tokens as the tags option:

nunjucks: {
  options: {
    tags: {
      blockStart: '<%',
      blockEnd: '%>',
      variableStart: '<$',
      variableEnd: '$>',
      commentStart: '<#',
      commentEnd: '#>'
    data: grunt.file.readJSON('data.json')
  render: {
    files: [
          expand: true,
          cwd: "bundles/",
          src: "*.html",
          dest: "build/",
          ext: ".html"


By default, nunjucks escapes all output. Details


Throw errors when outputting a null/undefined value


Automatically remove trailing newlines from a block/tag


Automatically remove leading whitespace from a block/tag