Catppuccin for Trilium


🌻 Latte
🪴 Frappé
🌺 Macchiato
🌿 Mocha


This is the Catppuccin theme for the hierarchical note taking application Trilium Notes. The theme is still a work in progress, contributions are welcome 😻.


Change accent color (Optional)

The default accent color is mauve, if you want to change it, use the download script:


sh -c "$(curl -sS https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SadAlexa/trilium-theme-catppuccin/main/change-accent.sh)"


(iwr https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SadAlexa/trilium-theme-catppuccin/main/change-accent.ps1).Content | iex

Please follow the official instructions here.

In a nutshell:

Install the theme by following these steps:

  • copy the css (raw) content of your favorite palette (or from the downloaded file if you used the download script)
  • paste it into a new trilium code note (type: CSS) named "catppuccin-theme"
  • add a new attribute to the catppuccin-theme note (Alt + A)
    • either copy & paste #appTheme=catppuccin to the node's attributes
    • or use the UI with these settings
      • Type: Label
      • Name: appTheme
      • Value: catppuccin
      • inheritable: not ticked
  • go to Menu > Options
  • select it as your new theme

💝 Thanks to


Copyright © 2021-present Catppuccin Org