
The data structure for an internet retail company, built with the Sequelize ORM.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

E-commerce Back End


The data structure and RESTful api for an internet retail company, built with the Sequelize ORM.

Table of Contents

Walkthrough Video



Clone this repo into the desired location on your machine and install the necessary dependencies (see package.json). Create a .env file at the root directory and add "DB_NAME='ecommerce_db'", "DB_USER='your SQL username'", and "DB_PW='your SQL password'" to create the local db connection. From the mySQL shell you can run source db/schema.sql to create the database, and then exit the shell and run "npm run seed" to seed the database. "npm start" will initiate your server and expose your powerful new api library.


Follow the installation steps to initialze a local db and server. From there, you can customize the /seeds directory with specific retail records you need to populate your database with. Hitching to a front end will allow any CRUD operations you need to offer clients.


No tests have been written for this project

Built With

  • Sequelize ORM
  • Node.js
  • Express.js
  • MySQL2
  • dotenv npm
