
Nasa Rocket launcher

This app was completely focesed on applying some advance Node Js backend concepts & application techniques.So, The purpose of the app was to -

  • Applied 👉🏻MVC pattern in the backend
  • Learned how to use JavaScript testing frame-works Like 👉🏻JEST
  • Learned how to use production process manager like 👉🏻PM2 for Node JS to make response faster
  • Learned basic github action for 👉🏻CI/CD
  • Learned basics of 👉🏻DOCKER setups.
  • Used a cool react frame-work called 👉🏻ARWES
  • Learned 👉🏻Pagination of large API data.
  • Used keplar exo-planet data & spacex API data to search possible habitable planets.
  • Applied basic Scripting knowledge in Package.json for productions
  • Applied mongoDB knowledge more detailed.
  • Learned production level file structuring for Node JS apps.

What the application does?

  • It loads the possible habitable exo-planets in dropdown of the homepage by a search algorithm in backend.
  • Create Launch and save it to mongoDB database
  • Do the CRUD operations on those data in a very efficient way.


Install my-project with npm. Clone or download the project. Open terminal with the project directory, then run these commands,

  npm run install-server
  npm run install-client

Another terminal

  npm run server

Another terminal

  npm run client