This repo guides you to create an environment for AI developement
Install Miniconda from here.
Clone this repository.
git clone
- Open a terminal with conda "base" environment activated in the
conda activate base
- Create "ml" environment using "ml_requirements.txt" file.
conda create --name ml --file ml_requirements.txt --channel conda-forge --channel anaconda --channel pytorch
- Clone "ml" environment for each project.
conda create --name newenv --clone ml
- Create a new conda environment e.g. "torch" and activate it:
conda create --name torch
conda activate torch
Go to PyTorch installation page from here.
Choose your "OS", "Package", and "Compute Platform" and copy the installation command.
for example:
This is for test
conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio pytorch-cuda=11.7 -c pytorch -c nvidia
- Then install other recommended packages using "torch_requirements" file.
conda install --file torch_requirements.txt