
Automated Bot to make your website appear on the top of google search.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

This is an app to cheat google and bring your site to the top of the Google Search Results.

1) Uses I/P rotation
2) Uses User-Agent Switching.
3) Provides Random Delay.
4) Can support multiple search terms

There are 2 versions.

* Headless version -> this can be deployed on your server without XWindow.
Drawbacks - >
	Doesnt support Javascript. (TODO - add a javascript library)
	Doesnt fetch images,Css and other external files. (Probably Google tracks this action or rather they must.) (TODO - Download all assosiated files.)

	Usage - >

	.change the config.ini (use config.ini.eg as a reference .All supported config is present there.)
	.start it $ ./main

* Browser Version.
-> this needs an Xwindow but can never be detected as a bot.

	Usage - >

	.change the googleconfig.ini
	.Add more settings in the support/UAx firefox profile
	.start as $ ./google