
A Multi-clustered and a Multi-threaded Web Crawler

Primary LanguagePython

Workaholic Webcrawler

An extensible multi-threaded Web crawler. Useful in a multinode system where DB is centralized or clustered.


  • Uses sqlite database.

  • Batch Processing of DB query.

  • Efficiently uses two queues

    • raw queue -> which the slave pulls out of.
    • final queue -> which the manager pulls out of and verifies it using DB calls.
  • Each node has 1 manager and x slaves.

  • The manager queries the central database.

  • The database also stores "backlinks" -> the number of backlinks to a particular page.

  • User-Agent Header is customizable.

  • Switch Between urllib2 (Good socks support) or the requests library.

  • Has 3 effectively implemented mutex locks.




  • python-lxml (can also do a regex search instead)

  • python-requests* ( optional )


git clone https://github.com/Sadhanandh/Workaholic-WebCrawler.git

If you dont have the lxml library already then:
On Ubuntu/Debian:

sudo apt-get install python-lxml

On Windows/Mac/*nix

pip install lxml
./webcrawl.py --urls "http://github.com http://twitter.com" 

Other options:

-d / --depth "depth of crawling" 
-t / threads "number of threads ie number of slaves per node " 
-b / batch   "batch query limit" 


  • Use Multi-clustered MySql DB server co-operating with a Node community.
  • Separate IO bound slaves (that uses threading library) and CPU bound slaves (that uses multiprocessing library) to maximize the throughput.
  • Respect Robot.txt (DB)
  • Support Multi-Proxy IP's and also every page of the base url should be crawled through the same proxy. (DB)
  • Dynamically terminate and create threads (Slaves) based on queue's idle time and system variables.
  • Implement a shareable queue b/w - "nodes" and b/w - "I/O bound Slaves and CPU bound Slaves".
  • Extend the above using Load balancing / Load sharing techniques.


  • Find all the links in the readable area(excluding the usually user ignored header,footer and irrelevant areas of the page)