Hi , I'm Shahriyar Al Mustakim Mitul

About Me 🚀

🎓 I’m an Open-Source enthusiast & a fresher pursuing my Bachelors in Computer Science & Engineering.
⛵ Open Source enthusiast | Contributor at Kubernetes and CNCF
✅ Approver and Reviewer for K8s Hindi Docs and CNCF Hindi Glossary
🌱 Learning Go, DevOps, AWS, GCP, Azure
😄 Pronouns: He/him/his

My Experiences 🙌
  • GitHub Campus Expert - Campus Experts are student leaders that strive to build diverse and inclusive spaces to learn skills, share their experiences, and build projects together. They can be found across the globe leading in-person and online conferences, meetups, and hackathons, and maintaining open source projects.
  • AWS Community Builder – AWS Community builders are very enthusiast about Cloud and they do experiment cloud features and do test some awesome features and enlightens their community
  • Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador - Conducted workshops & webinars on Azure, GitHub & Git etc.
  • Auth0 Ambassador – Auth0 Ambassadors are passionate community leaders and they learn Auth0 technologies and share these within his community
  • Postman Student Leader– Postman Student Leaders are Postman Student experts and are passionate about API’s and builds API’s and share the knowledge within his community
  • Speaker at GDG Cloud Dhaka at Devfest 2021 for Introduction to Cloud Computing, GCP and QWIKLABS)
📈 GitHub Stats

Streak Stats Mitul's GitHub Stats Mitul's language used

Open Source Contribution:
Honors & Awards 🏅

Blogs posts & YouTube Videos:

Coding Stats

Java   8 mins          █████████████████████████   100.00 %

Amogh's github activity graph