
A demo laravel project build to support the flutter project https://github.com/SadmanSarar/flutter-news-app

Primary LanguagePHP

About New App

This is a web application based on laravel framework build to support the flutter application built here.

##Installation Process

  • Clone the repository
  • Install composer. For details visit this link
  • open terminal in project directory and run command composer install
  • create a mysql database
  • copy .env.example and rename the copy .env
  • fill up the following with appropriate data in .env file
DB_CONNECTION=mysql {Change if required}
DB_HOST= {Change if required}
DB_PORT=3306 {Change if required}
  • run php artisan key:generate
  • run php artisan migrate.
  • If you are running in you pc run php artisan serve


  • visit APP_URL/login
  • default E-Mail Address: admin@admin.com and Password: admin


    E-Mail Address: admin@admin.com 
    Password: admin


  • integrate notification system