
Computational physics telegram bot

Primary LanguagePython

What is this project?

This is a boilerplate to start a telebot project.

How to use?

If you want to get notified about the future changes Follow my github account.

First clone the project.

git clone https://github.com/Saeed9731/computational_physics_telegram_bot.git

Then make sure Docker is running.

  • If you are on windows click on the Docker Desktop icon and wait for about a minute.

Then in the project directory run this command:

docker-compose up --build

It will create two containers: All the required packages will be installed.

Install a new package.

  • Attention: If you want to install a package for telebot project you should run this command:
docker-compose exec bot pip install <package-name>

Don't forget to add the new package to requirements.txt for further use:

docker-compose exec bot pip freeze > requirements.txt

"# computational_physics_telegram_bot"