
Using LeakCanary to demonstrate memory leaks from libgdx on android

Primary LanguageJava

Libgdx Android Leak

In AndroidApplication and AndroidFragmentApplication classes, they hold an instance of this.* on Gdx.* (Especially this line Gdx.app = this;).

But if fragment/activity get destroyed these references are still alive, so they create a memroy leak.

Here is an example with LeakCanary:

So these references should not exist after the end of their expected lifetime. Simply we can do this:

        Gdx.app = null;
        Gdx.input = null;
        Gdx.audio = null;
        Gdx.files = null;
        Gdx.graphics = null;
        Gdx.net = null;

In onDestroy method of activties/fragments to avoid memory leak.

And Leak Canary will not show any memory leaks related to libgdx: