Efficient (Soft) Q-Learning for Text Generation with Limited Good Data

Efficient (Soft) Q-Learning for Text Generation with Limited Good Data
Han Guo, Bowen Tan, Zhengzhong Liu, Eric P. Xing, Zhiting Hu



Please see requirements.txt and Dockerfile for detailed dependencies. The major ones include

  • python 3.8 or later (for type annotations and f-string)
  • pytorch==1.8.1
  • transformers==4.5.1

Note: if you ever encounter issues regarding hydra, consider downgrading it.


Docker Setup

To build the docker image, run the following script.

DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build \
    -t ${TAG} \
    -f Dockerfile .

Additional steps (inside Docker)

  1. Install the master branch of texar (and a few other dependencies) via bash scripts/install_dependencies.sh
  2. Install GEM-metrics. We use the version at commit 2693f3439547a40897bc30c2ab70e27e992883c0. Note that some dependencies might override transformers version.

Data Setup

  1. Most of the data are available at https://huggingface.co/datasets.
  2. We use nltk==3.5 in data preprocessing.


Learning from Noisy (Negative) Text

python run_experiments.py \
    translation.task_name="entailment.snli_entailment_1_sampled" \
    translation.training_mode="sql-mixed" \
    translation.save_dir=${USER_SPECIFIED_SAVE_DIR} \
    translation.num_epochs=101 \
    translation.top_k=50 \
    translation.reward_shaping_min=-50 \
    translation.reward_shaping_max=50 \
    translation.reward_name="entailment3" \
    translation.warmup_training_mode="sql-offpolicy" \


  1. Maximum Decoding Length set to 10
  2. Decoder positiion embedding length set to 65

Black-box Universal Adversarial Attacks

python run_experiments.py \
    translation.task_name="attack.mnli" \
    translation.training_mode="sql-mixed" \
    translation.save_dir=${USER_SPECIFIED_SAVE_DIR} \
    translation.num_epochs=51 \
    translation.top_k=50 \
    translation.num_batches_per_epoch=1000 \
    translation.reward_shaping_min=-50 \
    translation.reward_shaping_max=50 \


  1. Decoder position embedding length set to 75 (MNLI)
  2. Change rewards = (rewards + 10 * nll_reward + 100) / 2

Prompting Pre-trained Language Model for Controllable Generation

python run_experiments.py \
    translation.task_name="prompt.gpt2_mixed" \
    translation.training_mode="sql-mixed" \
    translation.save_dir=${USER_SPECIFIED_SAVE_DIR} \
    translation.num_epochs=501 \
    translation.num_batches_per_epoch=100 \
    translation.reward_shaping_min=-50 \
    translation.reward_shaping_max=50 \
    translation.top_k=50 \
    translation.reward_name="gpt2-topic" \
    translation.warmup_training_mode="sql-offpolicy" \


  1. For different token length, remember to change the max_length.
  2. Looking for examples of off-policy data? Check here!

Supervised Language Generation Tasks

python run_experiments.py \
    translation.task_name="standard.e2e" \
    translation.training_mode="sql-mixed" \
    translation.save_dir=${USER_SPECIFIED_SAVE_DIR} \
    translation.num_epochs=201 \
    translation.reward_shaping_min=-50 \
    translation.reward_shaping_max=50 \

Code Structure


This directory contains configurations for models as well as data. Notably, configs/data lists some task-specific configurations such as file-paths, and configs/models lists configurations of models, all in the texar format. configs/config.yaml lists configurations in the hydra format. Please update the paths etc based on your own usages.


This directory contains the core components of the soft Q-learning algorithm for text generation.


This directory contains the core components of the models and GEM-metrics.