
Configuration Setup for Vue with TypeScript, Husky, Prettier, ESLint, Stylelint, and Vite

Primary LanguageVue

Vue Boilerplate

Configuration Setup for Vue with TypeScript, Husky, Prettier, ESLint, Stylelint, and Vite

About Project

These configurations and settings are used to improve the quality and efficiency of web development projects. They help you to:

  1. Adhere to Coding Standards: By using ESLint and Prettier, you can automatically enforce coding standards, making your code more consistent and readable.

  2. Prevent Runtime Errors and Issues: TypeScript and ESLint help you catch common runtime errors and logical issues in your code before they become problems.

  3. Enhance Code Quality: These tools enable you to improve code quality and apply continuous improvements to your codebase.

  4. Automatically Format Code: With Prettier, you can automatically format your code, giving you more time to work on new features and ensuring consistent formatting.

  5. Execute Commands Before Commit and Push: Husky allows you to define commands that run before committing and pushing. This ensures that your code is always properly formatted and meets coding standards.

In general, these configurations help you, whether as a team or an individual developer, to increase the quality and maintainability of your web projects and make your development more effective.