
This code implements a 2D Model Predictive Control for an autonomous vehicle at an intersection with the presence of other vehicles.

Primary LanguagePython

A Bi-level Framework for Modeling 2D Vehicular Movements and Interactions at Urban Junctions

This project is a comprehensive collection of scripts and modules related to motion primitives and A* search algorithms. It provides a robust framework for creating and visualizing motion primitives for different vehicle models, and includes a variety of scenarios and environments for testing and development.

Project Structure

  • main/: This directory contains the core scripts and modules of the project.
    • create_motion_primitives_bicycle_model.py: This script generates motion primitives for a bicycle model.
    • create_motion_primitives_prius.py: This script generates motion primitives for a Prius model.
    • envs/: This directory contains scripts for various environments in which the motion primitives can be tested.
    • lib/: This directory contains library scripts, including implementations of the A* search algorithm and scripts for searching motion primitives.
    • scenarios/: This directory contains scripts for different scenarios, providing a variety of contexts in which to test the motion primitives.
    • tests/: This directory contains unit tests for the project, ensuring the reliability and correctness of the code.
  • data/: This directory contains data related to the motion primitives, providing a resource for further analysis and development.
  • results/: This directory is where results from tests and simulations are stored.
  • visualise_mp.ipynb: This Jupyter notebook provides a visual interface for inspecting the motion primitives.


This project uses Poetry for dependency management. To install the project dependencies, run:

poetry install