
Primary LanguagePHP

Laravel Insurance Sale System

This reposirtory is created for Backend Software Engineer (PHP) - Fintech | Assignment and Utilizes This repo as base Project Structure.(Laravel-Boilerplate)

This project makes lite use of DDD. It is not a requirement, and you can easily refactor back to the default Laravel file structure.

Installation and Usage Instructions

After cloning the repository, make sure to copy .env.example to .env and edit the params for your needs.

NOTE: If you want to use Docker setup process, make sure that DB_HOST param in .env file match the database service name that defines in docker-compose.yml, defaults is iss-db.

If you don't have Docker on your machine skip below steps, and just follow the main (Laravel-Installation-Guide) to up and running the project.

Setup Using Docker

This repository Utilizes a Makefile for easier installation process.

  • Open your desire terminal and run this command.
make init

Above command tries to install the image and configure it for you. feel free to check it out and make changes if you want to.

  • After that run this command to start the container, migrate database & seeds it, generate api Docs and runs the project.
make up

If setup process finished successfully you should see this message in your terminal.

Insurance Sale System is running at, and you can check the api documentations at

You can check the mentioned urls in your browser, and if you want to stop it just hit ctrl+c.

Demo Credentials

Admin: admin@admin.com
Password: secret

User: user@user.com
Password: secret

If you want to consume api routes, you have to login trough api/auth/login with one of above credentials and provide the access_token in Authorization Bearer header.

You have to logged in as adminitrator to check PUT, POST and DELETE routes.

Official Laravel Boilerplate Documentation

Click here for the official documentation


MIT: http://anthony.mit-license.org