
Non-Negative Matrix Tri-Factorization for Co-clustering

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

License https://github.com/Saeidhoseinipour/NMTFcoclust https://github.com/Saeidhoseinipour/NMTFcoclust Supplementary material https://github.com/Saeidhoseinipour/NMTFcoclust https://github.com/Saeidhoseinipour/NMTFcoclust https://github.com/Saeidhoseinipour/NMTFcoclust/blob/master/Models/NMTFcoclust_OPNMTF_alpha.py https://github.com/Saeidhoseinipour/NMTFcoclust/blob/master/Models/NMTFcoclust_OPNMTF_alpha.py https://github.com/Saeidhoseinipour/NMTFcoclust/blob/master/Models/NMTFcoclust_OPNMTF_alpha.py https://github.com/Saeidhoseinipour/NMTFcoclust/blob/master/Models/NMTFcoclust_OPNMTF_alpha.py https://github.com/Saeidhoseinipour/NMTFcoclust/blob/master/Models/NMTFcoclust_OPNMTF_alpha.py https://github.com/Saeidhoseinipour/NMTFcoclust/blob/master/Models/NMTFcoclust_OPNMTF_alpha.py https://github.com/Saeidhoseinipour/NMTFcoclust/blob/master/Models/NMTFcoclust_OPNMTF_alpha.py

Table of Contents

  1. Non-negative Matrix Tri-Factorization for Co-clustering
  2. Brief Description of Models
  3. Requirements
  4. Datasets
  5. Model Implementation
  6. Cite
  7. Supplementary Material
  8. Presentation Video
  9. References

NMTFcoclust is a package that implements decomposition on a data matrix 𝐗 (document-word counts, movie-viewer ratings, and product-customer purchases matrices) with finding three matrices:

  • 𝐅 (roles membership rows)
  • 𝐆 (roles membership columns)
  • 𝐒 (roles summary matrix)

The low-rank approximation of \mathbf{X}\mathbf{X} by \mathbf{X} \approx \mathbf{FSG}^{\top}\mathbf{X} \approx \mathbf{FSG}^{\top}

NMTF, Saeid Hoseinipour, text mining, Co-clustering

Brief description of models

NMTFcoclust implements the proposed algorithm (OPNMTF) and some NMTF according to the objective functions below:

$$D_{\alpha}(\mathbf{X}||\mathbf{FSG}^{\top})+ \lambda \; D_{\alpha}(\mathbf{I}_{g}||\mathbf{F}^{\top}\mathbf{F})+ \mu \; D_{\alpha}(\mathbf{I}_{s}||\mathbf{G}^{\top}\mathbf{G})$$ $$0.5||\mathbf{X}-\mathbf{F}\mathbf{S}\mathbf{G}^{\top}||^{2}+0.5 \tau \; Tr(\mathbf{F} \Psi_{g}\mathbf{F}^{\top})+0.5 \eta \; Tr(\mathbf{G} \Psi_{s}\mathbf{G}^{\top})+ 0.5 \gamma \; Tr(\mathbf{S}^{\top}\mathbf{S})$$ $$0.5 ||\mathbf{X}-\mathbf{F}\mathbf{S}\mathbf{G}^{\top}||^{2}$$
  • NBVD $$||\mathbf{X}-\mathbf{FSG}^{\top}||^{2}$$
  • ONM3T
$$||\mathbf{X}-\mathbf{F}\mathbf{S}\mathbf{G}^{\top}||^{2}+ Tr(\Lambda (\mathbf{F}^{\top}\mathbf{F}-\mathbf{I}_{s}))+ Tr(\Gamma (\mathbf{G}^{\top}\mathbf{G}-\mathbf{I}_{g}))$$ $$||\mathbf{X}-\mathbf{FF^{\top}XGG}^{\top}||^{2}+ Tr(\Lambda \mathbf{F}^{\top})+ Tr( \Gamma \mathbf{G}^{\top})$$ $$||\mathbf{X}-\mathbf{FF^{\top}XGG}^{\top}||^{2}$$


Datasets #Documents #Words Sporsity(%0) Number of clusters
CSTR 475 1000 96% 4
WebACE 2340 1000 91.83% 20
Classic3 3891 4303 98% 3
Sports 8580 14870 99.99% 7
Reviews 4069 18483 99.99% 5
RCV1_4Class 9625 29992 99.75% 4
NG20 19949 43586 99.99% 20
20Newsgroups 18846 26214 96.96% 20
TDT2 9394 36771 99.64% 30
RCV1_ori 9625 29992 96.62% 4
import pandas as pd 
import numpy as np
from scipy.io import loadmat
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix 

                                                                   # Read Datasets ------->  Classic3

mydata = loadmat(file_name)

                                                                    # Data matrix 
X_Classic3 = mydata['A'].toarray()
X_Classic3_sum_1 = X_Classic3/X_Classic3.sum()
true_labels = mydata['labels'].flatten().tolist()                   # True labels list [0,0,0,..,1,1,1,..,2,2,2]  n_row_cluster = 3
true_labels = [x+1 for x in true_labels]                            # True labels list [1,1,1,..,2,2,2,..,3,3,3]  n_row_cluster = 3
print(confusion_matrix(true_labels, true_labels))

        Medical:        [[1033    0    0]
 Information Retrieval: [   0 1460    0]
 Aeronautical Systems:  [   0    0 1398]]


from NMTFcoclust.Models.NMTFcoclust_OPNMTF_alpha_2 import OPNMTF
from NMTFcoclust.Evaluation.EV import Process_EV

OPNMTF_alpha = OPNMTF(n_row_clusters = 3, n_col_clusters = 3, landa = 0.3,  mu = 0.3,  alpha = 0.4, max_iter=1)
Process_Ev = Process_EV( true_labels ,X_Classic3_sum_1, OPNMTF_alpha) 

Accuracy (Acc):0.9100488306347982
Normalized Mutual Info (NMI):0.7703948803438703
Adjusted Rand Index (ARI):0.7641161476685447

Confusion Matrix (CM):
				[[1033    0    0]
				 [ 276 1184    0]
				 [   0   74 1324]]
Total Time:  26.558243700000276


OPNMTF, Text mining, Matrix factorization, Co-clustering, Saeid Hoseinipour, divergence


Please cite the following paper in your publication if you are using NMTFcoclust in your research:

    title={Orthogonal Parametric Non-negative Matrix Tri-Factorization with $\alpha$-Divergence for Co-clustering}, 
  volume  = {231}, 
   number   = {120680},
    journal={Expert Systems with Applications}, 
    authors={Saeid Hoseinipour, Mina Aminghafari, Adel Mohammadpour}, 

Supplementary material

OPNMTF implements on synthetic datasets such as Bernoulli, Poisson, and Truncated Gaussian.


  • Our algorithm works by multiplicative update rules and it is convergence.
  • Adding two penalties for controlling the orthogonality of row and column clusters.
  • Unifying a class of algorithms for co-clustering based on $\alpha$-divergence.
  • All datasets and algorithm codes are available on GitHub as NMTFcoclust repository.

Presentation video

Presentation video for OPNMTF, Text mining, Matrix factorization, Co-clustering, Saeid Hoseinipour


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