📗 Table of Contents


Recipe App is a simple recipe application created with ruby on rails.

🛠 Built With

Tech Stack


Key Features

  • Create Food, Recipe, RecipeFood and User table for the blog
  • Save all information in postgres database
  • Retrive information from the database

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💻 Getting Started

To start and run this project

bundle install

ruby main.rb

To get a local copy up and running, follow these steps.

### Prerequisites

- IDE / Editor
- Git 
- PostgreSQL
### Install & Setup

To setup and install this sample ROR Blog project, follow the below steps:
- Clone this project by the command: 

$ git clone https://github.com/SaeqaSultani/Recipe-app.git

- Then switch to the project folder by the bellow query:

$ cd blog-app

- Install the required dependecies with `bundle install`
- Install npm dependencies with `npm install`
- **Before running below commands update [config/database.yml](./config/database.yml) with your local `DB`credentials. Then run:**
      - **`rails db:create`**
      - **`rails db:migrate`**
      - **`rails db:seed`**
- With Ruby on Rails and PostgreSQL installed in your environment, you can run `rails server` to run the website.

### Tests

- Run `rails db:seed RAILS_ENV=test` to seed the testing database
- Run `rspec`

### Deployment


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<!-- AUTHORS -->

## 👥 Authors <a name="authors"></a>

👤 **SaeqaSultani**

- GitHub: [SaeqaSultani](https://github.com/SaeqaSultani)
- Twitter: [SaeqaSultani](https://twitter.com/SaeqaSultani)
- LinkedIn: [SaeqaSultani](https://www.linkedin.com/in/saeqa-sultani/)

👤 **Kolapo Precious Akinrinlola**

- GitHub: [LIBERCOSOFT](https://github.com/LIBERCOSOFT)
- Twitter: [@Gerfieldt](https://twitter.com/Gerfieldt)
- LinkedIn: [Kolapo Akinrinlola](https://linkedin.com/in/kolapo-akinrinlola)


## 🔭 Future Features <a name="future-features"></a>
- [ ] **Create a proper view for the project (Frontend)**
- [ ] **Implement API Endpoints**
- [ ] **Implement authorization when more features are introduced**

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## 🤝 Contributing <a name="contributing"></a>

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the [issues page](../../issues/).

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<!-- SUPPORT -->

## ⭐️ Show your support <a name="support"></a>

If you like this project do not forget to start the repository.

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<!-- LICENSE -->

## 📝 License <a name="license"></a>

This project is [MIT](./MIT.md) licensed.

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