
An online Marketplace for Graduates, Undergraduates and Postgraduates which serves as a common platform to sell and buy.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Hello! Good to see you here...πŸ‘‹

Welcome to the Graduate Market Place πŸ›’πŸ€πŸ»

✏️ An online marketplace designed and developed for students which serve as a common platform to sell and buy used/new products.
✏️ One Stop solution for e-Exchange of products within a student(Graduates, Undergraduates and Postgraduates) community.
✏️ Here you can post the product you want to sell or look for products you wanted to buy from other fellow students.

πŸ“Œ Tech Stack used: Python, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TailwindCSS, Django, SQL Database

If you're an open-source developer/enthusiast, Feel free to Contribute πŸ˜πŸ›  Be it code or non-code πŸ˜‰

Steps to followπŸ“ƒ


1. Fork the project πŸ”ͺ
2. Clone the forked repository πŸ“₯
3. Let's setup it upπŸ”§βš™οΈ
4. Keep in sync always♻️ (best practice🀝🏻)
5. Ready for the contribution 🌝
6. Working with the project πŸ§‘β€πŸ’»πŸ‘©β€πŸ’»
7. Create a new branch 🌱

1. Fork the project πŸ”ͺ

Fork Button

This creates a copy of the project into repositories of your GitHub account πŸ“€

2. Clone the forked repository πŸ“₯

You need to clone (download) it to your local machine using the below command in terminal

   $ git clone https://github.com/TharunKumarReddyPolu/Graduate-Market-Place.git

This creates a local copy of the repository in your local machine πŸ“‚

Once you have cloned the Graduate-Market-Place repository into your local machine, move➑️ into that folder using the change directory cd command on Linux/ Mac/ Windows

   $ cd Graduate-Market-Place

3. Let's set it up πŸ”§βš™οΈ

Run the following commands to verify that your local copy has a reference to your forked remote repository on Github

   $ git remote -v

It should display the below output

  origin  https://github.com/Your_Username/Graduate-Market-Place.git (fetch)
  origin  https://github.com/Your_Username/Graduate-Market-Place.git (push)

Now, let us add the reference to the original Graduate-Market-Place repository using the below command πŸ”™

  $ git remote add upstream https://github.com/TharunKumarReddyPolu/Graduate-Market-Place.git

The above command creates a new remote as upstream

To Verify the changes run the below command

  $ git remote -v

Output in console β˜‘οΈ:

  origin    https://github.com/Your_Username/Graduate-Market-Place.git (fetch)
  origin    https://github.com/Your_Username/Graduate-Market-Place.git (push)
  upstream  https://github.com/TharunKumarReddyPolu/Graduate-Market-Place.git (fetch)
  upstream  https://github.com/TharunKumarReddyPolu/Graduate-Market-Place.git (push)

4. Keep in sync always♻️ (best practice🀝🏻)

It is a better practice to keep the local copy in sync with the original repository and to stay updated with the latest changes. Run the below commands before making changes or in regular intervals to stay updated with the base branch

  # Fetch all remote repositories and delete any deleted remote branches
  $ git fetch --all --prune

  # Switch to the master branch
  $ git checkout master

  # Reset the local master branch to match the upstream repository's master branch
  $ git reset --hard upstream/master

  # Push changes to your forked Tweety-Virtual-Voice-Assistant repo
  $ git push origin master

5. Woohoo! You are ready for the first contribution 🌝

Once you are done with the above steps, you are ready to contribute to the Graduate-Market-Place project code. Add new features or Check out the issues tab of the original repository and solve them. Once you are done with your changes, submit your precious efforts with a pull request.

6. Working with the project πŸ§‘β€πŸ’»πŸ‘©β€πŸ’»

To get started with the project setup, run the following commands:

  # navigate to the virtual environment "gmp_env"
  cd gmp_env
  # activate the python virtual environment. Careful, S in Scripts is upper case 
  # navigate to the project directory "gmp"
  cd gmp
  # To install the required packages for the project. run the below command
  pip install -r requirements.txt

If any package installation is not specified above, then those packages are built-in with python.

  # Here's the main fun part, running the server
  python manage.py runserver

If you encounter the below error after running the above command:

  python : The term 'python' is not recognized 
as the name of a cmdlet, function, script       
file, or operable program. Check the spelling   
of the name, or if a path was included, verify  
that the path is correct and try again.
At line:1 char:1
+ python manage.py runserver
+ ~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : ObjectNotFound:   
   (python:String) [], CommandNotFoundExcept   
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundE  

Then change python to python3 and re-run the command. This should solve the issue for you.😁

If the latest version of the packages is not working on your machine, then you can downgrade the version using the below commands

   $ pip uninstall package_name
   $ pip install package_name==specific version

For instance, If Pillow package latest version isn't working on your local machine, then do

   $ pip uninstall Pillow
   $ pip install Pillow==9.3.0

where Pillow refers to package_name and 9.3.0 refers to previous version/specific version

Hurray!🀩 you have the website up and running on your local host and ready for your development.

To deactivate the virtual environment before you logoff from development, run the below command

  $ deactivate

7. Create a new branch 🌱

Whenever you are going to submit a contribution. Please create a separate branch using the below command and keep your master branch clean (i.e. synced with the remote branch)

Method 1:

  $ git branch Changetype_name

change type includes bug fix, new feature, comments, enhancements etc.

the name includes your first name or last name

After creating the branch above, run the below command to checkout/switch to the new branch created

  $ git checkout changetype_name

Method 2:

You can also create the branch and checkout to the desired branch using the single command below

  $ git checkout -b changetype_name

To add your changes to the branch. Run the below command βž•οΈ

  $ git add . 

Above command uses period (.) indicating all the files are added (or) to stage specific file changes, use the below command instead

  $ git add <file_name>

Then, Type in a message that is relevant for the code reviewer using the below command βœ‰οΈ

  $ git commit -m 'relevant message'

Finally, Push your awesome hard work to your remote repository with the below command πŸ“€πŸ€πŸ»

  $ git push -u origin changetype_name

Here, changetype_name refers to the branch in your remote repository

In the last, Navigate to your forked Graduate-Market-Place repository in the browser, where you will see compare and pull requests. Kindly click and then add a relevant title and description to your pull request that defines your valuable effort. πŸ₯³βœ…️

Latest Updates πŸ“’

Yet to be published

Help us improve the project better πŸ“ˆπŸ€—

Please discuss your concerns with Polu Tharun Kumar Reddy before creating a new issue. πŸ˜‰

Please STAR⭐️ the repository if you like the content and code**😁

Also enable the WATCHπŸ‘ button to keep watching the updates on the repository**πŸ˜‰

πŸ’―πŸ’»πŸ§‘β€πŸ’»πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» Happy Contributing πŸ‘©β€πŸ’»πŸ§‘β€πŸ’»πŸ’»πŸ’―

Graduate Market Place-1