NodeMCU-ESP8266 with and without Flask based IoT box by which I am controlling by room's AC line's light fan from Internet and update from temperature,humidity,motion sensors
Check about the published conference paper here
Also check The YouTube Video
- ESP8266 NodeMCU
- Diode 1N4007
- BC547 NPN transistors
- Buzzer
- Optocoupler
- Screw Terminal
- Tactile Switch
- DHT11 Sensor Module
- 5V Relay(OMRON)
- HLK5M05 AC-DC Isolated Power Supply Module
- 6 channel 5V optocoupler based Relay Module(extra)
- HC-SR501 PIR Motion Detector Module
2D schematic of the main control Unit
3D model of the circuit board
Used different footprints from Component-Search-Engine and SnapEDA