
Primary LanguageJavaScript


This project is a Decentralised Application built on the Ethereum Blockchain to store Electronic Medical Records in a standardized and secure format. It uses IPFS protocol to provide hashes for these records, which acts as a unique address for the smart contract upon which a GET request can be sent for reading the record. Patients can grant access to their records to medical practitioners and manage access rights with a private key. After diagnosis, non-identifiable information about the patient's illness is streamed to a data warehouse hosted in Google cloud’s Big query which uses this data for real-time disease tracking and long term analytics that can determine health trends in the country. This data is visualised with the help of Tableau.



The projects requires NodeJS and npm to work. Instructions to install all other dependencies are given below.

Node modules

  1. Move to the project directory and open it in your terminal.
  2. Run npm install to install project dependenccties.


  1. Go to Ganache homepage and download.
  2. If you are on Linux, you must have received an .appimage file. Follow installation instructions available here.


  1. Go to the github page of IPFS and install IPFS Desktop

Local server

  1. Install Node lite-server by running the following command on your terminal npm install -g lite-server


  1. Metamask is a browser extension available for Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Brave Browser.
  2. Go to the this link and add Metamask to your browser.



Google Big Query schema


Tableau Dashboard
