
Modified ResNet Architecture created as part of the Deep Learning course at New York University.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

ECE-GY 7123 Introduction to Deep Learning Mini-Project

This is the Mini-Project for ECE-GY 7123 Introduction to Deep Learning. The goal of this mini-project is to design a modified Residual Network (ResNet) architecture with the highest test accuracy on the CIFAR-10 image classification dataset, under the constraint that your model has no more than 5 million parameters.



In this paper, we present modified versions of the ResNet model designed to achieve high accuracy within the constraint of fewer than 5 million trainable parameters. Through extensive experimentation involving various techniques such as learning rates, efficient optimizers, epoch, and dropout strategies, we have fine-tuned these models to optimize performance. Our results are meticulously analyzed and discussed, highlighting the potential implications for applications where model size and computational resource limitations are significant.

We proposed a custom ResNet Architecture and we implemented 3 Networks ResNetSmall, ResNetMedium and ResNetLarge,

Network Number of Parameters Convolutional Channels Optimizers Training Accuracy Testing Accuracy
ResNet18 4,815,940 [42, 84, 168, 336] AdamW 97.98% 93.02%
ResNetLarge 4,903,242 [64, 128, 256, 512] SGD + Momentum (Nesterov Enabled) 98.22% 92.73%


The following python packages are required to run the Jupyter notebooks:

  • torch
  • torchvision
  • torchaudio
  • torch.optim
  • torchsummary
  • numpy
  • matplotlib
  • sklearn
  • tqdm

Install them manually or use add this command in your python notebook: ! pip install torch torchvision torchaudio torch.optim torchsummary numpy matplotlib sklearn tqdm

System Specification

  • NYU Greene HPC Jupyter Environmrnt
  • CPU: 8 Virtualized Cores of Intel Xeon-Platinum 8286
  • GPU: Nvidia Tesla v100
  • System Memory: 96 GB
  • Python Version: 3.11
  • CUDA version: v11.1.74
  • Torch Version: 2.0.0