Phase 3: Advanced Topics
Advanced Pointers -Pointer to pointer (double pointers) -Function pointers and their use cases -Pointers and dynamic data structures (linked lists, trees) -Pointer-related issues (dangling, wild, and null pointers)
Data Structures in C -Linked lists (singly, doubly, circular) -Stacks and queues (implementation using arrays and linked lists) -Trees (binary trees, binary search trees) -Graphs (basic introduction, adjacency matrix, and list) -Hashing (hash tables, collision resolution techniques)
Advanced Memory Management -Memory allocation strategies (stack vs. heap) -Custom memory allocators -Garbage collection basics -Implementing memory pools
Preprocessor Directives -Macros and macro functions -Conditional compilation -Include guards and the use of #define (it is not a hashtag 😅) -Creating and using header files
Phase 4: Expert-Level Topics
Advanced C Concepts -Bitwise manipulation and operations -Working with hardware and low-level programming (registers, ports) -Writing and using inline assembly within C -Creating and using libraries (static and dynamic) -Interfacing with other languages (e.g., using C in Python with ctypes)
Concurrency in C -Introduction to concurrency and parallelism -Multithreading with pthreads (POSIX threads) -Synchronization (mutexes, semaphores, condition variables) -Thread safety and race conditions
Network Programming in C -Sockets and socket programming -Client-server architecture -TCP/IP and UDP protocols -Handling multiple clients (select, poll, epoll)
Real-Time Operating Systems (RTOS) -Basics of RTOS and their use cases -Writing programs for RTOS -Inter-task communication -Task scheduling and real-time constraints
Phase 5: Mastery and Specialization
Algorithms and Data Structures in C -Sorting and searching algorithms -Dynamic programming and greedy algorithms -Graph algorithms (Dijkstra, A*, DFS, BFS) -Advanced data structures (trie, AVL trees, red-black trees)
System Programming -Understanding OS-level concepts (processes, threads, memory management) -Writing system-level programs (creating and managing processes, IPC) -Unix/Linux system calls (fork, exec, pipe, signals) -Working with the Linux kernel
Embedded Systems Programming -Basics of embedded systems and microcontrollers -Programming microcontrollers in C -Interfacing with peripherals (GPIO, UART, SPI, I2C) -Writing device drivers
Optimization and Debugging -Code profiling and optimization techniques -Using debugging tools (gdb, valgrind) -Writing and running test cases -Optimizing for memory and performance
Phase 6: Project-Based Learning
Small Projects -Implementing a basic shell -Creating a simple text editor -Building a basic HTTP server
Medium Projects -Developing a database management system (miniature) -Writing a networked chat application -Implementing a simple operating system kernel
Large Projects -Contributing to open-source C projects (e.g., the Linux kernel) -Writing your own C compiler or interpreter -Creating a fully-featured real-time operating system