
An educational yet lighthearted approach to sexual safety.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Safe Kink

An educational yet lighthearted approach to sexual safety.

The Why

Sexual Education isn't standard across every state, school district, and individual school. That being said, some individuals receive information and advice surrounding safe sex. Others receive informations similar to students in the hit movie Mean Girls.


Let's not do ourselves a disservice by pretending that everyone will wait to have sex and will do so safely. Instead, let's educate ourselves on the risks of not practicing safe sex by showcasing the current rates of infection for the most common STDs.

The How

The following languages, packages, and libraries were used in the creation of this app:

  • JavaScript
  • jQuery
  • D3
  • mySQL (and NPM package)
  • Popmotion
  • Heroku
  • Handlebars NPM package
  • Express NPM package
  • Body-Parser NPM package

The Who

Back-end Team

  • Eliot
  • Nelson

Front-end Team

  • Lauren
  • Mapi

The Sources

Our source of information was the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). More specificially, their [National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention] (https://www.cdc.gov/nchhstp/stateprofiles/default.htm) for HIV information and CDC Wonder for information on other STDs such as chlamydia and gonorrhea.