
A python bot that snips tokens from pancakeswap

Primary LanguagePython



  • The bot keeps eye on Binance Announcements. Whenever binance announces a new token listing, the bot immediately buys the token from pancakeswap(if it is available on Pancakeswap)
  • User gets notified about the coin listing and transaction details in telegram message

Steps to configure the bot:

  • Follow the official binance announcement channel on telegram - Binance Announcements

  • Goto https://my.telegram.org/apps & login using your telegram account
    Get your api_id & api_hash

  • Clone the repo and install following python packages

    • telethon
    • web3
    • PyGithub
  • Now goto configs/config.json file and configure it with your details

    • Set your api_id of telegram
    • Set your api_hash of telegram
    • Set wallet address
    • Set private key of that wallet address(not mnemonic)
    • Set the bnb value(the amount that will be used to buy tokens)
    • Set slippage percentage
  • All done

  • Run python bot.py in terminal & register with your telegram account

  • Fly

File Descriptions:

  • bot.py

    The python bot
  • config.py

    The file containing the Pancake router, factory & pair ABI
    ChainID, RPC URL & router address
  • configs

    • config.json

      User's configurations and secrets
    • token_list.json

      list of tokens officially listed on pancake
    • personal_token_list.json

      personal list of tokens set by users
    • final_token_list.json

      list combinning personal list