How to wrap up any of your interivews?

Must ask following in the mentioned order

  • Is there anything that you see as a potential dealbreaker? Feel free to explicitly mention that as I have the floor to clarify that now.
  • What are you impressions about our discussion over the past X minutes?
  • I kindly ask you to provide as comprehensive feedback as possible, as it will be my main takeaway that will help me self reflect and become a betterself.

Questions to ask from the interviewer (HM/EM/TL)

  • Opening Question:
    • Can you provide me with an overview of the team's dynamics and the company's goals?
  • Understanding the Team:
    • Can you describe the composition of the team in terms of size, expertise levels, and diversity?
    • What does the team roadmap look like, and what projects are currently in progress or planned for the near future?
  • Tech Stack and Collaboration:
    • How does the team collaborate with other departments and teams within the company?
    • How does the internal rotation of engineers across teams look like?
    • Could you highlight the various touch points I would have as a developer within the team, including technologies and different aspects of development?
  • Role and Day-to-Day:
    • Could you walk me through a typical day as a Senior Software Engineer on the team?
    • How does the team encourage and foster innovation among its members?
  • Backend and Technical Aspects:
    • Can you provide insights into the backend infrastructure at Tier, such as scale and the specific services this team is responsible for?
    • What is the pace of development like within the company and specifically within the team?
    • How does the team maintain a healthy work-life balance, and what measures are in place to prevent burnout?
    • What opportunities for career growth are available within both the company and the team?
  • Expectations and Contributions:
    • Based on our discussions and my evaluation so far, what do you see as my potential contributions to the team?
    • If I'm not able to meet all expectations initially, how would that be addressed and supported?
  • Engineering Practices and Growth:
    • Can you share notable engineering practices or initiatives that stand out within both the company and the team?
    • How does this backend developer role at Tier differ from a backend position at a more traditional web app-based company, like Taxfix?
  • Long-Term Growth:
    • Looking ahead to a year from now, what type of career growth should I expect to have achieved while working with this team?
  • Feedback on Discussion:
    • Could you share your impressions of our conversation? Did I come across as overthinking or confused?
  • Additional Questions:
    • What are the key challenges the team is currently facing, and how do you envision addressing them?
    • Can you provide examples of successful cross-team collaborations and the impact they had?
    • How does the team handle onboarding and knowledge transfer for new members?


Data Structures

  • Searching algos?
  • Which data structure to use when?
  • Limitation of trees?
  • Types of data structures?
  • Which to use when?
  • How to save inches or centi meters in database in efficient data structure?

Dev Ops

  • Mapping in logstash and kibana?
  • Limitation of lambda function?

VCS (GitLab/GitHub)

  • What are Hooks?
  • What are Web, Client side, Server side hooks?
  • What is PR/MR?
  • What is mono repo arhitecture?
  • What are actions in GitHub? What is the equivalent of GitHub actions in GitLab?


  • What is a foreign key?
  • What are Compound indexes?
  • What are joins in databases?
  • Databases, you will prefer sql vs nosql or vice versa in what scenario?
  • Why nosql databases are faster than sql? (due to ACID)


  • References ko kaisy manage krty hain MongoDb mn?
  • Indexing in MongoDb?
  • Namespace in mongodb?
  • Hooks in mongodb? (M O N G O O S E)
  • What is sharding?
  • Can we join two collections in MongoDB?


  • What is Node.js? (must explain event loop)
  • Streams vs Read in node.js?
  • Http vs Https module?
  • What are Middlewares?
  • Pipes in node.js?
  • Why Query params are more suited in Express.js?
  • What are streams in node.js?


  • What is an introspective query?
  • GQL Connection vs GQL List? (Relay GraphQL)
  • How GraphQL API is different from typical REST API?


  • How do you check types in react? (type validation in react) [prop types and default types or you can use typescript as well]
  • How will you pass a prop from parent to 5th child directly? [you can use redux store or context API]
  • Class vs Functional components? Diff?
    • class : functional
    • lifecycle methods [polymorphism based]: hooks [polymorphism based]
  • When useEffect/or any hook is used?
  • If useEffect is equivalent to componentDidMount then isn’t it a life cycle method then?
  • Can you map life cycle methods on to react hooks? Like which hook is equivalent to componentDidMount?
  • What is reconciliation?
  • How to pass data from parent to child component and child to parent component?
  • What is prop drilling?
  • How can one achieve shouldComponentUpdate like behaviour in react functional component?
  • How do you ensure typsafety while working with react.JS? (not react.TS)
  • Did you used Relay with GraphQL? (GQL client for React) (
  • What are keys used for? (Key in React.)
  • Can we use array index as a Key in React?
  • What is composition in React? (Methodology referred to as Composition) (
  • What's the difference between Component and PureComponent in React?


  • How to sequentially trigger HTTP requests in Angular?
  • What are interceptors?
  • What is data-binding? One way data binding? Two way data binding?
  • What is DI (Dependency Injection) in angular?


  • At what point types are checked in typescript? [at design time]
  • What are utility types? When are they used?
  • What are generics? How are they useful?


  • What is preventDefault?
  • What is event bubbling?
  • What is event delegation?


  • ES5 vs ES6 major differences?
  • Map k andr c conditional return kia jaye to kya wo filter ki trha act ni kry ga?
  • How this is different in ES5 and ES6?
  • Convert ES6 code to ES5.
  • TypeScript mn utility types kya hain?
  • What is the benefit of using promises? (converting asynchronous code to synchronous)
  • Polymorphism in JavaScript? Method overloading vs Method overriding? (how to do in JS)
  • OOP in javascript?
  • OOP based vs Functional Programming? Which to use when and what type of system?
  • strict vs non strict mode
  • Map q aya tha?
  • Set q aya tha?
  • for in vs for of, difference and pro cons?
  • symbol in JS?
  • promises long chaining scenarios?
  • How hoisting works?
  • What is closure?
  • Abstraction in JS?
  • OOP in JS how?
  • How to specify access levels for variables in JS?
  • How many level of overriding can be done?
  • Why or when promises are used?
  • When to use promise.all?
  • How to run promises inside promise.all sequentially?
  • Deep copy vs Shallow copy?
  • Does array destructuring do shallow copy or deep copy?
  • How is optional chaining different from ternary operator?
  • Is the execution of async?
  • How execution of is different from traditional for/for-in/for-of loop?
  • How is prototypal inheritance different from Class based inheritance?
  • What is callback hell? How can we avoid that?
  • How can we run promises sequentially? (promise chaining)
  • What are primitve data types in JS?
  • What are different scopes in JavaScript (for eg Global), what are the other ones? (
  • What is hoisting?
  • Difference between var, let and const.
  • What is Promise?
  • Difference between double and triple equals? (== vs ===)


  • what is the memory limit of AWS Lambda?
  • In which cases you’ll avoid using AWS Lambda?

Team Lead

  • How do you define your deadlines?
  • Team mates c kaam kaisy niklwaty o?
  • If you are not meeting the deadline, how do you respond to that?
  • Is buffering while defining deadlines good or not?

General / Scenario Based

  • Hashing vs Encryption?
  • What is HashMap?
  • What is indexing?
  • What is REST api?
  • Authorization vs Authentication, please explain them?
  • How a typical HTTP request works?
  • What is GitHub? How does it differ from Google Docs or dropbox?
  • OAuth vs OpenID, please explain the difference?
  • OAuth vs JWT, please explain the difference?
  • How is socket connection established and maintained?
  • What's the difference between "image" and "container" in docker world?
  • How to communicate between docker containers?
  • What are middlewares?
  • If I have have marks of student in database, and I have to return student's "average" score alongwith subject marks. How will I implement this? or Where will this aggregation (Averaging) of marks should take place?
  • When RDBMS is good and when NOSQL?
  • Whats the project in your previous experience that you are most proud of?
  • What is null safety?
  • Local storage vs Session storage vs Cookies?
  • What are the different ways to pass JWT token to server?
  • What is 1+N problem?
  • What is double spending? How to avoid it?
  • When you shipped a feature with minimal or ideally no bugs?
  • When you shipped a feature and some bugs popped up, how do you recover from that situation?
  • What is double spending?
  • Polling vs Subscription
  • RabbitMQ
    • What is the concept of exchanges?
    • What is a queue?
  • Bridge vs Host in Docker Network
  • Docker container hardware resources, how it takes
  • Doceker vs VM?
  • Is Docker container a process or another VM?
  • Why Sql DBs are not horizontally scalable? And why NoSQL DBs are easily horizontally scalable?
  • Sharding vs Replicas?
  • Transactions
  • Service as a Model
  • How to resole circular dependency? Inject first decorator in Nest.js
  • CDC b/w differente instances
  • Monorepo vs Microrepo, what to use when?
  • Where do we write the business logic in backend system?

Designing / Architecture

  • What are design patterns? Do you follow any of them?
  • What are anti patterns? how to avoid them?
  • MongoDb mn nested documents kb bnaty hain?
  • Kis trha ki application mn Node.js use krni a aur MongoDb kis trha ki app mn?
  • React is best for which type of apps and Angular for which type of apps?
  • Unrelated components mn data sharing k kya kya possible ways hain?
  • What are data structures?
  • How you make choice which data structure to use when?
  • Linear, Non-Linear data structures? When to use which?
  • What is scalable architecture?
  • What are scalable applications?
  • What is micro-services architecture?
  • How do micro-services communicate in between?
  • How will you notify one micro-service from other micro-service on completion of some task?
  • How will you implement authentication in a micro-services mesh?
  • How do you maintain user sessions?
  • How do you implement role based and user based authentication?
  • How would you implement "Sign out from all devices" feature?
  • How would you implelent "Remember me" feature?
  • "Session" vs "Token" startegies, what's the difference? ("Sessions" vs "JWT Token", how do they differ?)
  • How will you perform "server side request validation" for request body, query params or url params?
  • How the architecture of Background job is different from web apps?
  • How to handle duplicate credit card transaction in Stripe API?
  • Where Database Transactions are used what are its benefits?
  • How do you make sure your services are up and running?
  • How will you improve the performance of an endpoint?
  • How you can ensure observability in a system?
  • How do you evaluate the performance of web application?
  • Observability vs Monitoring?
  • How does an ideal development workflow looks like?
  • How will you evaluate whether your delivered feature was successfull or not? (both on infra level, customer level)
  • How would you ensure the reliability of a service you have been working on?
  • Tell me about an incident that you faced while bein on call, and how you resolved that?

Personal / Behavioural (follow STAR method)

  • Tell me something about yourself that is not mentioned in your cv/resume?
  • What do you wanna do?
  • What’s the next big thing you wanna do?
  • Why did you join your current company?
  • Why do you wanna leave the company?
  • What is your greatest stregth?
  • Tell me a situation in which you couldn't meet the deadline or had a failure, how did you communicated it?
  • When you faced a conflict/disagreement and how you resolved it?
  • When you disagreed with your supervisor or team mate, what did you do?
  • When you worked on something critical?
  • When you did surprisingly well and what was the reason of your good performance?
  • When you were unable to meet the goals?
  • When you faced a technical challenge and how you resolve it?
  • How do you learn any new thing?


  • How to implement Lifecycle methods in useEffect?
  • Default props in react with TypeScript?
  • Rebase in gitLab?
  • Cherry pick in gitLab?
  • Define type for function with parameters and some return type in TypeScript?
  • Why useMemo is used jn react?
  • What if some promise is rejected in Promise.all?
  • Nested contexts in React context API are allowed?
  • Context1 =》Context2 =》 componentNested, are values of Context1 accessible in componentNested?
  • How to check if two rectangles are overlapping or not?
  • How to identify if there is a circle in between linkedlist node?